Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Stephanopoulos, AP reporter lament gas price toll on Obama’s poll numbers

Consider this a follow-up to my post yesterday about the MSM embargo on stories linking ObaMao policies and skyrocketing gas prices.

The MSM is acknowledging the toll that gas prices are taking on normal America Obama’s poll numbers.  George Stephanopoulos on GMA:

Good Morning America’s George Stephanopoulos on Monday described the country’s “gas gripes” over rising fuel costs, adding, “Soaring prices lead to new pain for the President as big oil gets ready to report record profits.” (MP3 audiohere.)

The former Democratic operative turned journalist tried to put the best spin on Barack Obama’s growing problems: “And, Jake, these gas prices are also knocking down President Obama’s poll numbers, which is why he’s out there nearly every day addressing this problem.”

The AP (note the headline, right out of the gate):

Costly gasoline clouds Obama re-election prospects

With gas prices climbing and little relief in sight, President Barack Obama is scrambling to get ahead of the latest potential obstacle to his re-election bid, even as Republicans are making plans to exploit the issue.

No one seems more aware of the electoral peril than Obama himself.

Got that?  Our difficulty enduring unreasonable gas prices are dismissed by Snuffalupagus as mere “gripes”, and both Snuffy and the AP reporter think it’s unfair to link gas prices to Obamunist policies.  There is still no mention in their discussions about permit moratoriums in the Gulf, or the refusal to open up oil shale lands or ANWR, or how the current prices are all part of ObaMao’s stated plan to “necessarily skyrocket” the cost of energy.  Nope, just a bunch of “gas prices are high, and it’s unjustly hurting Obama!”

Nope…no liberal media bias!

April 26, 2011 Posted by | media bias, Obama, oil | 8 Comments