Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Recall Mel Martinez?

Michelle Malkin brought this to my attention:

So, Sen. Mel Martinez is mad about the failure of shamnesty. He is challenging opponents to act:

The chairman of the Republican Party on Friday lambasted Democrats and Republicans who helped kill an immigration bill in the Senate and challenged them to come up with a solution beyond “just build a fence along the border.”

“The voices of negativity now have a responsibility to come up with an answer, ” RNC Chairman and U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez said.

“How will you fix the situation to make peoples’ lives better? How will you continue to grow the economy? How will we bring people out of the shadows for our national security and for the sake of being a country that is just?” he demanded.

Attention, Floridians who want to act by replacing pro-shamnesty politicians with pro-enforcement lawmakers who keep their word: There’s a petition recall Mel Martinez here. The sponsors explain:

The site was launched June 18th 2007 by central Florida IT Tech Mr. Dewey Wallace to protest what he views as a reversal of Senator Martinez’s campaign promises of no Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants. The website has a secure SSL page designed to gather signatures in an attempt to make a legal recall via special election of the Senator.

Even though the stated goal of to gather enough registered Florida voters to recall the Senator, Mr. Wallace readily admits that it is going to be an uphill battle as over 514,000 signatures are required, and no national recall has ever succeeded. However seeing this as an opportunity to set a new legal precedent, Mr. Wallace states is moving forward with an optimistic eye on success.

I urge my Floridian guests to sign the petition to recall this wolf in sheep’s clothing. Between his flip-flop on amnesty and his standing in the way of energy independence, this no-good RINO needs to go.

“Don’t worry, Mel. If anyone knows how to revive a seemingly dead political career, it’s me.”

June 30, 2007 - Posted by | illegal immigration, Mel Martinez

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    June 25, 2007

    Is it possible for the United States to survive the influx of illegal immigration growing daily as President Bush and Ted Kennedy provide amnesty to anyone refusing to follow the laws of U.S. citizenship? The answer is no.

    Prior to the 1960’s, migrant workers from Mexico came to America legally, staying only for the summer, and then leaving for Mexico after the harvest. Not that illegal immigration from Mexico or other countries around the world prior to 1965 was non-existent; America had tougher laws and immigrants understood they could not break those laws if they wanted to live in America. That changed in 1965 when Ted Kennedy decided immigrants should have the right to enter the U.S. illegally at will and receive full citizenship as reward.

    Ted Kennedy, the great, liberal, hater of American culture he belongs to, changed the system completely by letting the third world enter the U.S. without restraint while white liberal politicians, college professors and lower-level school teachers chastised white Americans for their evil white European ancestry that founded, settled and built this nation to prosperity.

    Thus began the disintegration of America’s culture and heritage.

    Jump forward 40 years and some 13 to 20 million illegal aliens from Mexico, South America, and other nations around the world, including the Arab world, have invaded America at the request of Ted Kennedy and now George W. Bush who not only sings Kennedy’s praises, but has forgotten what Americans did for him; they overwhelmingly elected him president, entrusting their lives and country’s safety and future into his hands he seems to have wiped clean of the U.S. Constitution.

    In the state of New York, illegals can obtain driver’s licenses. Illegal Hispanic gang-bangers in various states are also eligible to receive driver’s licenses and benefits in the U.S. despite being rapists and killers; Americans on the other hand, can lose their right to drive when driving with expired licenses. If you’re a blonde ding-bat heiress who drives drunk twice, refuses to show up for probation, you go to prison versus Los Angeles gangs raping, shooting, robbing and killing innocent citizens.

    Paris Hilton should have asked for an extra jolt in the tanning booth then opted for black hair extensions.

    In the town of Mamaroneck, New York, streets are crowded with “day laborers,” the innovative expression for illegal immigrant, standing around waiting for Americans to approach the criminals-for-hire. Until recently, the police of Mamaroneck Village were allowed to drive up to the illegals and demand to see citizenship or temporary visa papers ensuring laws were not being broken in the village. That is until liberal activist lawyers catered to “day laborers” by using the race card to prevent police from asking loiterers questions. In fact, the police of Mamaroneck, New York are no longer allowed to follow the law and do their duty; it’s against the law for the police to pull up to the loitering “day laborers.”

    Illegal aliens are free to take over the streets of American towns, taking labor-type jobs from American citizens needing the money. It’s racist to demand “day laborers” not hang out in crowds on sidewalks, street corners, parks, in front of store fronts, etc.

    I must be lethargic, because, I have been under the silly assumption America has loitering laws.

    I have said it before, the immigration bill is an attempt to destroy the white, European Christian foundation of America, and it’s liberals who are at the forefront of this annihilation because they hate their heritage and they hate God more.

    John McCain is on the Ted Kennedy side of immigration; let all immigrants enter without documentation because they need our money we Americans should hand over through legislation coercion.

    Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi hires illegals to pick her California vineyard grapes and work in her restaurants. Apparently, Americans—born or naturalized—who need work don’t deserve the pay because they’re American; therefore evil decedents of the baneful pernicious white man or worse, immigrants who decided to join the European ancestors club.

    Senator Trent Lott is suddenly all for amnesty; gee, is it because he gave a deserved tribute to a 100 year-old Senator who denounced and apologized for his racist past decades ago? Could the reason Lott is back-stabbing America and conservatives be the fact liberals chastised Lott as a racist for the deserved tribute to Strom Thurmond, and now Lott feels he must make an unnecessary liberal butt-kissing as apology for not doing wrong?

    Have black Americans noticed they’ve been dropped as the official liberal token?

    No good blacks who have lived on U.S. soil for 400 years had the effrontery to bare English-speaking American children over the centuries. Low-income blacks deserve the housing projects Lyndon Johnson segregated blacks into while convincing blacks they need never work, because all whites owe all blacks reparations.

    The problem is illegals are getting work many low-income black Americans could use to raise above the low-income status the racist Johnson shoved black Americans into like cattle.

    Low-income White, Hispanic, Asian and American Indian Americans could use the low-skilled work to rise up out of the so-called “have-nots” John Edwards preaches at them, and make the American dream come true for themselves; but liberal democrats and liberal republicans suddenly now liberal for convenience, want the Hispanic vote rather than the American dream for Americans who actually vote.

    Illegals will reap all the benefits Americans have had to earn by proving themselves worthy. English is being pushed aside for a bilingual country in effort to cater to the Hispanics refusing to speak the United State’s official language; English.

    As a result, law abiding Hispanic immigrants who came to the states legally will be heaped into the pool of taker and destroyer; guilt by ancestry association.

    Illegals along with pro-illegal legal Hispanics march in American streets waving Mexican flags. The symbolism in that is hate for America and her people. So why stay in America if one does not like our culture? The benefits the law-breakers can reap until retirement when many return to their “home nation” to live like kings.

    But what will we Americans be left with? How will we Americans live once our country is destroyed by other nations with complete disregard for our history they hate? We’ll be left with a dysfunctional, bilingual nation of illiterates who have no idea where they came from or where they’re going.

    As Americans, we do have a say and that say comes in our votes. Refuse to vote for legislators and Senators who sign amnesty bills—Republican and Democrat. The fact Ted Kennedy has been in office 40 years tells me Massachusetts citizens love illegal immigration and want America to become a third world dump site of eventual riots like those seen during the late 1960’s in bilingual Canada.

    Two cultures can not live under one flag; the ramifications will be disastrous. Two languages can not succeed; one will over-run the other to extinction. English, the language of success and progress in the U.S., no doubt will lose to the Spanish. Flying flags of other nations all over America’s towns and cities eventually will back-fire with hate toward foreign flag flyers. The back-lash will be riots and racism systematically created by America-hating liberals who want Hispanics to take over, destroying white culture.

    America has one culture that grew out of many European nations; now it has too many cultures from South America and Mexico trying to crush the American spirit by making the American flag illegal to wear on lapels in many public places; illegal to fly in areas which might offend Hispanics who want nothing to do with America; and Muslims who want to blow America off the globe.

    It is amazing that the promoters of the amnesty bill and giving illegals free entrance to citizenship are people whose ancestors broke their European backs to become fully assimilated, English-speaking, American educated, American cultured Americans who loved, and many of whom fought for, this nation. Now their descendants want to hand America to the third world as an apology for being the country which feeds, cloths, doctors and rescues the third world.

    Copyright 2007 Lisa Richards

    Comment by Lisa Richards | August 1, 2007

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