Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Strategy: Give Obama and the Democrats (and America) what they want

OK, America.  You voted for the smooth-talking brutha over the evil rich white guy.  Presumably, that means you want you sum Obamanomics.  Fine.  Choke on it, b#tches.  RB at the Rightsphere echos my sentiments:

So what do they [the GOP] do? They’re stuck in a no-win situation. The answer is simple: Give Obama what he wants. All of it. Don’t negotiate. Just say “Put your plan up for a vote and we’ll pass it. You will own everything that happens moving forward. We’ll do it your way.”

People are saying that even if the GOP did what I just said they should do, they would get blamed for the disaster that will ensue. I disagree. Democrats and the media will TRY to blame them, but they will discredit themselves in the process. Obama will have gotten everything he wanted. We know it will fix nothing and probably make things worse, but the GOP will have no part of crafting the bill. Make Democrats do it all. The GOP should just show up and vote for it. Any attempts to claim the GOP influenced the bill, and thereby sharing in the blame, will be debunked by the facts. There will be no way to say “well, this could have worked if only…” because the GOP will not have changed anything. There will be no magical alternative out there that “could have been if only the GOP hadn’t stopped it” line anymore.

Now, this part is the tricky one. From the moment they pass the legislation Obama wants, they must be disciplined in pointing out that every failure of this new law to fix the fiscal and economic problems it was meant to fix was a Democrat / Obama idea. The GOP must be diligent in highlighting how they had zero impact on the final version of the bill. Everything Obama and the Democrats wanted went in without opposition from the GOP. Obama and the Democrats own every single line on every single page.

Over and over and over again, the case will need to be made that the GOP washed their hands of the matter and let Obama and the Democrats have their way to avoid the fiscal cliff. Did you lose your job because of the higher tax rates? The GOP had nothing to do with it. Oh! Are prices higher for everything? The GOP had nothing to do with it. What’s that? Federal revenues didn’t go up? Ask Obama about that, he’s the one who said they’d go up. Etc. Etc. Etc. …

Don’t fight ObaMao.  Our American Idol obsessed electorate voted for this economic illiterate and fiscal fool in this past popularity contest…er, “election.”  Let’s see just how successful his efforts will be…hint: they won’t be.  But I think the GOP should get all Pontius Pilate on America and wash its collective hands, saying “This is what you voted for.  We will have no part in this.  The resulting pain is NOT our fault…it’s yours, quite frankly.”

There has never been a country that has taxed itself into prosperity.  Socialism has failed everywhere it has ever been tried.  But hey: We have a cool cat who goes on The View and Letterman as our prez, so maybe this time, it’ll be different!

November 28, 2012 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, Obama, socialism, taxes | 10 Comments

Quote of the day

Don’t know who said it, but it’s spot on.

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate… willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.”

November 13, 2012 Posted by | Obama, quote of the day | 19 Comments

Positive postportem of Election 2012

My friends, I know you came here to see something positive.  So here it is: I am positive this is the end of the America with which I grew up.  I am positive that I do not recognize a plurality/slight majority of my fellow Americans anymore.  I am positive that we have crossed the bridge into a nanny state European style socialist republic…and for those of you on the left, that is NOT a good thing.

Bill O’Reilly had a take on this last night, and he was right on the money.  He said that now, a majority of voters want the government to give them “stuff”.  They want the government to take money away from the producers to buy “stuff” for the non-producers.  Clearly, the Democrap Party is the looter party, and alas, a majority of Americans are now OK with that.

Folks, this is a point of no return.  How do you convince the moocher class that it is in their best interest to NOT be slaves to politicians and to government when they have abdicated all responsibility to provide for themselves?  You can’t expect the irresponsible and lazy to become responsible and energetic, not voluntarily.  And this has been a Democrap strategy for decades: get over half the electorate to pay no income taxes, and get as many people enslaved to government as possible.  You do those two things, and you’ve got an “electoral dynasty” for some time to come.  Ladies and gentlemen: that approach is working for the left, like a charm.

We can talk about media bias malpractice, and that’s certainly and unquestionably A factor…but not THE factor.  At the end of the day, if this country weren’t overrun with “take care of me, Uncle Sam, from cradle to grave” sheeple, then media bias wouldn’t be an issue.  But leftist media bias/malpractice has been around forever, yet Reagan and both Bushes still got elected in spite of it.  But that was a different America…and yes, even different than in 2004 when GWB was re-elected.  Today’s America is comprised of big government-adoring loyal subjects, indoctrinated in our government schools from an early age to believe that everything good comes from government, and not from God.

Liberalism always kills the goose that lays the golden egg, albeit slowly.  But eventually, the golden eggs run out, then there are more hands sticking out wanting “stuff” than there are golden eggs to pay for that “stuff”.  They don’t see that.  No, the left is a large bloc of economic illiterates who believe that a nation can tax itself into prosperity by simply confiscating the fruits of the labor of the producers to give to the non-producers.  Eventually, though, the producers stop producing.  Jobs dry up.  Tax revenues plummet.  But the “me, me, ME!” hands continue to stick out, looking for Uncle Sugar to take care of them yet another day.  And these leftist morons will continue to mindlessly, robotically vote for the candidate that is the bigger thief / plantation massah!

I’m sorry, my friends, but I genuinely feel like this country is gone.  We have a petulant race-baiting Marxist man-child who has never so much as run a hot dog stand destroy our economy, and in years past, that alone would have gotten an empty suit like this chump run out of town on a rail in an electoral landslide.  But in today’s America, the moocher class needs them some more Obama.

Michelle Obama famously said that for the first time in her life, she was proud of her country.  Well, I am actually ashamed of my country, a shame I did NOT feel when Bubba got elected in 1992.  The America I grew up in was the most wonderful, amazing country the planet has ever known.  I’ll hold onto those memories tightly, because the parasites who re-elected Chairman Zero have all but assured that those memories will never be seen again in my lifetime.

November 7, 2012 Posted by | Obama, Romney | 17 Comments

Why no October Surprise in 2012?

Because according to Zombie, his entire TERM was one big friggin’ October Surprise!  Excerpt:

But in Barack Obama’s case, the situation is reversed: Everything he’s ever done is scandalous. The reason there was no October Surprise for Obama is that we’re all scandaled out. Anyone’s who been paying attention since 2008 has literally been in paralytic shock every single day. We spent October 2012 exactly as we’ve spent every month of the last four years: Our jaws on the floor, aghast, stupefied, unable to breathe. Almost every single thing Obama has done since he’s been in the national spotlight could have been and should have been a career-ending October Surprise. But the mainstream media, as we all know, has devoted itself to protecting him.

Not a day has gone by since Obama took office when I didn’t learn of some fresh outrage and say Oh. My. God. But we’ve been traumatized so often that over time the scandals have all blurred together and fused into a single red-hot thought: Please let this nightmare end.

Seriously, read the column, which exhaustively outlines the blunders, missteps, and scandals that a non-corrupt media would have uncovered in such a way so as to GUARAN-FRIGGIN-TEE he wouldn’t even be able to get elected dog catcher in Detroit, much less leader of the free world.

This is beyond media bias…it’s media corruption, propaganda we would expect to see in third world tinpot dictatorships.

November 5, 2012 Posted by | corruption, media bias, Obama | 3 Comments

Election 2012 tomorrow

This is a crucial turning point in the future of this country.

We have two choices.  We can either continue with the leftist policies of the last four years which have led to a sputtering economy, hostility towards entrepreneurs and job creators, alarming growth of dependency on government to be the primary caretakers of able-bodied adults, and a feckless foreign policy that has made the country appear weak in the eyes of allies and enemies alike.  Or not.

The petulant think-skinned man-child who has been an unmitigated Carter-like disaster wants another four years to, in his words, “finish the job”.  That scares the hell out of me.  What job does he want to finish?  Offing America?  But even if I’m being charitable, he’s saying that he needs another term to continue doing what he did in the first term.  Are you freaking kidding me??

Ignore the polls.  Right now, polls are showing a tie.  A president whose economic record has, according to these same polls, been perceived as abysmal by the electorate; who loses independents by double digits (anywhere from 15-22%); who saw a swing of -15% in the gender gap he enjoyed in 2008; whose party lags in enthusiasm by 15% to the GOP; who isn’t packing the house at campaign stops (even with Stevie Wonder headlining) while his opponent is welcomed by standing-room-only crowds (including outdoor amphitheaters in chilly Colorado cities and 30,000+ in PA)…THAT guy is TIED or slightly AHEAD, in polls with absurd Democrat oversamplings (in today’s CNN poll, and oversampling of D+11?)?  Seriously?

I doubt it.  Ignore the polls.  Everything feels like it’s on the side of the good guys (for those of you on the left, that would NOT be the Obamatons).  But it doesn’t matter what it FEELS like.  It only matters what IS.

The left and the MSM (pardon the redundancy) have been doing their part to convince you that their boy is gonna win.  The numbers TODAY aren’t bearing that out.  Don’t listen to them.  You do YOUR part: vote, and get your proper-thinking friends to get to the polls and vote, too.

In the end, the only poll that matters is the final poll after all the legitimate votes are legally and properly counted.  Maybe then, this country’s long national nightmare will finally be over and Obamunism will have been sent to the trash bin of history…where it belongs.  We’ll see.

November 5, 2012 Posted by | Obama, polls, Romney | 4 Comments

Night and Day, “How the NYT sees 2% GDP growth” edition

Via Newsbusters.  Money quotes:

From the New York Times editorial, “Gross National Letdown,” of Thursday October 29, 1992:

President Bush smiled when he learned this week that economic growth during the third quarter reached a surprising 2.7 percent, almost twice the previous rate. But his smile shouldn’t be broad. The new figure almost certainly exaggerates the health of the economy, which continues to creep along at a painfully slow pace. Even the 2.7 figure is half the normal rate of recovery and not enough to bring down unemployment.

New York Times editorial, “Slow but Steady Improvement,” from Saturday October 27, 2012:

The slow pace of the nation’s economic recovery has picked up a bit lately. In the third quarter, the economy grew at an annual rate of 2 percent, beating expectations and the dismal 1.3 percent growth in the second quarter. Over the past year, the growth rate has been 2.3 percent. At that pace, there’s enough momentum to keep unemployment, currently 7.8 percent, from getting much worse.

Nope…no liberal media bias!

November 1, 2012 Posted by | hypocrisy, media bias, Night and Day, Obama | 2 Comments