Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Crist: I’ll caucus with the Democrats if I win

Why, it seems like just last week that Governor Citrus Skin said he would “caucus with the people” of Florida if were to win the Senate race!  Hmmm?  It was just last week?  Oh.  Thought it was pretty recent.

Anywho, his song is changing…again:

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist would caucus with Senate Democrats if he wins Florida’s three-way U.S. Senate contest on Tuesday, a close advisor told Washington Wire Friday.

That’s a big “if.” Mr. Crist is trailing Republican candidate Marco Rubio in most polls. But the declaration by Florida trial lawyer John Morgan sheds light on one of the many mysteries in the Bill Clinton-Charlie Crist-Kendrick Meek imbroglio.

“Crist is going to caucus with the Democrats,” Mr. Morgan said. “I don’t think there’s any ifs, ands or buts about it. It would be, in a very tight year, almost like a Democratic pickup in a solid Republican state.”

Mr. Morgan says the question of whether Mr. Crist would side with Democrats had nothing to do with any purported deal under which Mr. Meek would quit the race.

Crist spokesman Danny Kanner has denied that Mr. Crist had agreed to caucus with Senate Democrats as part of any deal with Mr. Clinton or Mr. Meek.

A person close to Mr. Clinton and familiar with the discussions tells Washington Wire that, yes, Mr. Crist had agreed to caucus with Senate Democrats if Mr. Meek bowed out of the race.

“I’m a Republican until the end!  OK, I’m not a Republican, but I’m a true indepedent who will caucus with the people of Florida.  OK, I’m a Democrat-wannabe and I’m in dire need of a lifeline before I’m retired to private life.  Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllppppp!”

Crist has been putting out rumors of Meek quitting, though details are still (as of this moment) somewhat sketchy as to whether Meek was asked to drop out and endorse Crist.  Crist is lobbing a Hail Mary, since if he goes down in flames (and a 20% deficit is rather large to overcome, no?), his electoral career comes to a pathetic yet well-earned end.

October 29, 2010 Posted by | Charlie Crist, Florida, hypocrisy, shameful | 2 Comments

Study: Democrats can’t run on achievements, so they run on negative ads

Don’t get me wrong here, folks.  I have no problem with negative ads, so long as they’re honest.  This is a bit desperate, though:

In one typical example, Democratic ads have transformed Kentucky Republican House candidate Andy Barr into “a convicted criminal” — complete with images yellow police tape and fuzzy video of crime scenes. Not mentioned is his crime: As a college student 19 years ago, he was caught using a fake ID during spring break.

If only he had commited perjury or obstructed justice instead of the significantly more heinous crime of trying to get booze as an immature college kid, right?  And if he had snorted some coke, he could actually be president today!

What’s hilarious here is that since the Dems can’t give anybody a reason to vote for them, they’re relegated to trying to convince voters to vote against the other guy.  It’s a trend:

As you watch this year’s ads — and I’ve been watching all too many lately — you’ll notice a striking difference between Democratic and Republican attack ads: Democrats are attacking over personal issues, Republicans are attacking over policy.

There are, of course, many exceptions, but the overall trend is clear. Democrats are hitting their Republican opponents over past legal transgressions, shady business deals and even speeding tickets. Republicans are hammering Democrats over “Obamacare,” Nancy Pelosi and the economy.

A recent study by the Wesleyan Media Project actually quantifies this. They looked at 900,000 airing of political ads this year and concluded: “Democrats are using personal attacks at much higher rates than Republicans and a much higher rate than Democrats in 2008.”

CLICK HERE for the study summary.

Go to the next page for some — and there are many more — of the personal attack ads being run by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. 

Ask Jack Conway in KY, author of the infamous “Aqua Buddha” ad, how that attack worked out for him.  With about four days to go, the consensus thus far?  Not very effective, and in all likelihood, counterproductive.

October 29, 2010 Posted by | polls, shameful | 1 Comment

Quote of the day, “Biden thinks America accomplished jack squat without government” edition

Our gaffe-tastic VP:

Every single great idea that has marked the 21st century, the 20th century and the 19th century has required government vision and government incentive,” he said. “In the middle of the Civil War you had a guy named Lincoln paying people $16,000 for every 40 miles of track they laid across the continental United States… No private enterprise would have done that for another 35 years.”

Retorts Reason

What was the “government vision and government incentive” that produced the assembly line? Motion-picture film? Air conditioning? The electric guitar? How about the personal computer? The mobile phone? Non-violent resistance? Aspirin?

Though Biden is generally not to be taken seriously, the government-centrism of his comments are an accurate reflection of his boss, and part of the reason why next Tuesday is going to be an awkward day of work at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Well, Al Gore did give us the Internet, so there’s that.

October 28, 2010 Posted by | Biden, big government, quote of the day | 2 Comments

Crush Liberalism Radio returns on Election Eve, November 1, 10:00 pm EST

Feel free to call in to see the results of the Crush Liberalism Objective World News Service (aka CLOWNS) polls!  Plus, I’ve got a monologue you’ll want to tell your kids, grandkids, and if you’re a Democrat, your parole officer about.  😆

See you Monday night!

October 28, 2010 Posted by | Blog Talk Radio | 1 Comment

Democrat candidates: This election isn’t about Obama! Obama to electorate: This election is totally about my agenda!


B.O. doesn’t do his party many favors here, does he?  There are tons of Democrats running for election and re-election in this country who are trying to tell the voters that they aren’t like President Kick#ss or San Fran Nan, nor are they rubber stamps for Oprompter’s agenda.

So what does the Telebinky-in-Chief do to help them?  He tells their constituents that they need to vote Democrat to keep his awesomely McAwesome agenda moving forward…well, moving.

Did I mention “Heh”?  😆

October 27, 2010 Posted by | Obama | 2 Comments

Relax, wingnuts, those NV machines serviced by SEIU thugs are A-OK, assures the Dem Secretary of State

Who’s up for a game of “Name That Party”?  You know, that’s where the MSM just so happens to omit the party affiliation when it might inconvenience their narrative.  Details:

Secretary of State Ross Miller said today there have been no complaints filed with his office about suspicious voter activity despite email rumors and media accounts that at least some electronic voting machines are pre-programmed to support U.S. Senate candidate Harry Reid, D-NV.

Read the whole story.  See if you can find the party affiliation of NV Sec of State Miller.  I’m guessing that if people knew he is a Democrat, they might want a more objective reassurance than him telling us these auto-votes for fellow Democrat Harry Reid aren’t really happening.  Questioning a Dem Sec of State?  The MSM isn’t going to have any of that nonsense!

Nope…no liberal media bias!

October 27, 2010 Posted by | corruption, media bias, Reid, unions, vote fraud | 1 Comment

UPDATE: Democrat caught cheating in FL gubernatorial debate


Democrats?  Cheating?  The heck you say!  Details:

The two hopefuls for Florida governor spent their last audition before a statewide television audience Monday night trading attacks over each other’s ethics, truthfulness and qualifications for the state’s most powerful public post.

Republican Rick Scott and Democrat Alex Sink saved their harshest and most argumentative debate performance for the primetime debate held at the University of South Florida and broadcast nationwide on CNN.

At one point in the debate, he accused Sink of breaking the rules by getting text advice from her campaign on her iPhone during a commercial break.

He didn’t “accuse her”…he proved it!  Video here.

While this only warranted a fleeting, brief mention by the Orlando Slant-inel, other more reputable news sources were on the story. OK, so it was CNN and not a “more reputable” outlet, but I digress:

Alex Sink’s campaign violated rules Monday evening at the CNN/St. Petersburg Times Florida gubernatorial debate when her make-up artist delivered a message during a television break.

Sink, the Democratic nominee, was shown a two-sentence message on a cell phone that offered her advice during the debate. Republican nominee Rick Scott who was sitting next to her in this nationally televised debate, noticed the violation and notified a CNN official, who approached the make-up artist and Sink and confiscated the cell phone.

Sink’s response?

After the debate, the Sink campaign released a statement from the candidate announcing that the advisor who sent the message has been removed from the campaign. The advisor was not named in the statement, but a campaign spokesman confirmed it is Brian May, who signed the rules agreement before the debate on behalf of the Sink campaign.

“After the debate tonight, one of my campaign advisors admitted he tried to communicate with me during one of the breaks,” Sink said.

“While he told me it was out of anger with Rick Scott’s repeated distortion of facts, it was a foolish thing to do. It violated a debate agreement and I immediately removed him from the campaign.”

Here is what Sink is saying, translated: I shouldn’t have cheated, even if my opponent is a filthy liar.  While cheating is actually better than lying, I shouldn’t have cheated.  And by “cheated”, I mean “got caught”, m’kay?

By the way, Scott landed the zinger of the night:

Sink repeatedly bragged that 16 Florida newspapers had endorsed her campaign, to which Scott — who has refused to appear before any editorial boards — finally replied, “Most of them endorsed Barack Obama. You’re an Obama liberal. That’s exactly why they’re endorsing you.”


UPDATE (10/27/2010 – 12:05 pm EST):  Sink is lying through her friggin’ crooked teeth.  Evidence here.  Basically, she said when the makeup artist brought her cell phone, she thought the message might have been from her daughter abroad.  But audio shows that the makeup artist tells Sink that it’s a message from her staff, and Sink then took the time to read it!  She tried selling the “I thought that it might have been my daughter” lie after she caught flack for it, and CNN’s John King (probably looking for a new job now, since breaking this story that could damage the Democrat) calls her on it.

October 27, 2010 Posted by | Florida, shameful | 4 Comments

Obama goes “reverse Rosa Parks” on Republicans

The post-racial prez deviated away from his tele-binky to offer this up:

In a little more than five hours in the state, Obama was booked for a factory tour and for a pair of fundraisers that party officials said would bring in $500,000.

He said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress (what “progress”? – CL) has been made, he said, “we can’t have special interests sitting shotgun. We gotta have middle class families up in front. We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

Less than a week, jack#ss.  Less than a week.  Then you will be riding in the back of the short bus on which you’ve been riding for your entire electoral career.

October 27, 2010 Posted by | bigotry, Obama, shameful | Leave a comment

UPDATED: Voting machines malfunction in NV and NC, and the malfunctions just so happen to benefit Democrats


I’m not a conspiracy theory guy.  But man, in light of Democrats stealing elections in SD in 2002, WA in 2004, and MN in 2008, is it unreasonable to think they’re up to no good in the middle of the big red tsunami of 2010?

From NV:

Some voters in Boulder City complained on Monday that their ballot had been cast before they went to the polls, raising questions about Clark County’s electronic voting machines.

Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid’s name was already checked.

Ferrara said she wasn’t alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen.

“Something’s not right,” Ferrara said. “One person that’s a fluke. Two, that’s strange. But several within a five minute period of time — that’s wrong.”

From NC:

A Craven County voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.

Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.

“They pushed it twice and the same thing happened,” Laughinghouse said. “That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted.”

Malfunctions happen.  But dude, they both benefit the Democrats?  Seriously?

UPDATE (10/26/2010 – 10:30 pm EST):  Well, well, well!  The NV voting machine technicians are…I swear I’m not making this up…SEIU workers!  Who in the blue Hell thought that was a good idea?

October 26, 2010 Posted by | corruption, Reid, unions, vote fraud | 3 Comments

Quote of the day, “Carter off of his meds” edition

Grab the spatula.  You’ll need it to get your jaw off of the floor.  Details:

America is no better off now than it was in the late 1970s and early 1980s, says former President Jimmy Carter. From national politics to relationships with other nations, there is a lot of room for improvement.

We had almost complete harmony with every nation on Earth,” the Nobel Peace Prize winner said of his administration. “We not only preserved peace for our country, we never went to war. We never dropped a bomb. We never fired a missile.”

Iran was unavailable for comment.

Seriously, this tool believes that because we didn’t drop bombs on anyone during his four years of dhimmitude in office, that constituted “complete harmony”?  How ever did he lose 44 states in 1980?  For those of you on the left, the prior sentence was sarcasm.

October 25, 2010 Posted by | Carter, quote of the day, shameful | 3 Comments

Obama’s tele-binky inconveniences India’s parliament


A teleprompter will be in use for the first time in the Central Hall of Parliament when US President Barack Obama addresses MPs on November eight.

As per the tentative programme being worked out, the address by Obama, who once said that “America has its roots in the India of Mahatma Gandhi”, would not be for more than 20 minutes.

Obama will take the help of a teleprompter to deliver his address to the 780-odd members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, sources said.

Parliament authorities said this will be the first time that such a facility will be arranged in the Central Hall.

What else can you expect from a guy that also needs a tele-binky to address a school?

October 25, 2010 Posted by | Obama, shameful | 4 Comments

Separated at birth, Allen Grayson edition

I may start run this “Separated at birth” thing, just to make fun of how moonbats look.  If that’s not a display of intellectual heft, I don’t know what is.  😆

Anywho, barking moonbat Allen Grayson (D-FL) and Carl Childers from Sling Blade:

I think they both like them thar French fried taters.  Mmm-hmmm!

October 25, 2010 Posted by | Grayson, separated at birth | 2 Comments

Quote of the day, “What November 2 really means” edition

I don’t know that I could have put this any better myself.

This is not an election on November 2. This is a restraining order. Power has been trapped, abused and exploited by Democrats. Go to the ballot box and put an end to this abusive relationship. And let’s not hear any nonsense about letting the Democrats off if they promise to get counseling.


October 25, 2010 Posted by | quote of the day | 1 Comment

Flailing Crist “heckles” Rubio during debate

The final (thank God!) debate in the FL Senate race was held Sunday morning between Rubio, Crist, and Meek.  Every time Rubio went to speak, Crist would interrupt and besiege Rubio with non-sequitirs and bizarre statements.  Rubio, always the class act, responds appropriately:


Exit question #1: “Welcome to the NFL!”  Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Exit question #2:  Why didn’t the moderators (from CNN) stop Crist’s interruptions and tell him “Governor, please wait until your turn”?  You know they would have done that to Rubio if here were as rude and desperate as Crist, right?

October 24, 2010 Posted by | Charlie Crist, CNN, Florida, Marco Rubio | 1 Comment

Reid: Hey, you know who saved you NV rubes from a worldwide depression? Me. You’re welcome.

Please, dear God, let this jackwagon lose!  He’s so utterly useless, vile, and repulsive.  Here’s the video, with the takeaway quote:  “But for me, we’d be in a worldwide depression.” Un. Friggin’. Believable.

October 22, 2010 Posted by | economic ignorance, Reid | 6 Comments

NPR: Juan Williams is responsible for what he said, but our CEO isn’t

NPR: National Politically-correct Radio.

By now, most of you know the deal with NPR firing their correspondent Juan Williams for having the temerity to speak the truth on the left’s favorite target, Fox News.  He said something that the left and NPR (pardon the redundancy) took out of context, namely that he pays closer attention to Muslim-looking passengers on an airplane.  If you look at the full context of what he was saying, he was trying to show that such profiling was irrational, even when done by himself.  I don’t think it is irrational, but whatever.  Williams spent the rest of the time disagreeing with O’Reilly, who didn’t think such profiling was irrational.

Anywho, NPR canned Williams.  The CEO, Vivian Schiller, wouldn’t return Williams’ calls or anything.  However, Schiller did find time out of her busy taxpayer-(over)funded schedule to suggest Williams was a bigoted nutjob:

NPR chief executive Vivian Schiller is defending the firing of news analyst Juan Williams after his comments on the Fox News Channel, saying his feelings about Muslims are between him and “his psychiatrist or his publicist.”

I guess had Williams said that he wanted God to give a Republican Senator and/or his grandchildren AIDS like the still-employed-by-NPR Nina Totenberg (who, by the way, goes on MSNBC shows to do editorializing), then he’d still have a job at NPR.

So, to recap:  Williams says something rational that National Pinko Radio bigwigs found objectionable, and he was forced out; the CEO says something that was unquestionably (and admittedly) outrageous, and she gets to keep her plush gig.  Hypocrisy: not just for breakfast anymore.

By the way, Version One of NPR’s firing: No, it wasn’t his Muslim comments that got him fired, but was because he was opining (which undermines the “credibility” that NPR thinks they have when it comes to “objectivity”).  Version Two of NPR’s firing: He “stepped over the line” with his comments…you know, the ones that didn’t contribute to his firing (see Version One)?  Version Three:  All of the above, including the outrageous comments that didn’t contribute to his firing but, now that you mention it, actually did contribute to his firing (and we were lying in Version One).

Cries from the right are now mounting to defund NPR (Huckabee, Newt, Palin, etc.).  It’s clear that NPR should not be forced to be funded in any way by the fruits of labor of the producers in this country.  Let Soros or Hollyweird or whomever fund that leftist propaganda outfit.  In the meantime, since Williams has now been hired by Fox News, at least he can be exposed to more listeners and viewers than he would with NPR…although I’m sure both of NPR’s listeners will miss him.

October 22, 2010 Posted by | Fox News, hypocrisy, political correctness, shameful | 4 Comments

Same Tea Party who pushed for O’Donnell to win DE GOP primary now bailing on her


Even the Tea Party Express, the Sacramento-based national organization that launched a well-financed, late-stage advertising campaign which helped O’Donnell win her primary race, has dialed back its financial support for her.

Documents filed with the Federal Election Commission show that between O’Donnell’s September 14 primary victory and mid-October, the Tea Party Express paid for around $11,000 in e-mail blasts and radio ads supporting her. By comparison, records show the group spent more than $64,000 in support of Angle during that period. (Tea Party Express representatives did not respond to messages requesting comment.)

Tea Party last month: “We luv CoD!”  Tea Party now: “C-O-Who?  Never heard of her.”  Can’t says I blame ’em, though, as she’s getting trounced.

I told you, didn’t I?  But hey, you wanted a RINO scalp, and you got one, all at the bargain basement price of a guaranteed Senate seat that’s now going to a self-professed “bearded Marxist”.

October 21, 2010 Posted by | Tea Party | 2 Comments

Quote of the day, “Dem Congressman gets punked in debate by soldier opponent” edition

In NY-20,  Scott Murphy(D) tried lampooning his Republican opponent, retired Army Colonel Chris Gibson(R), over “sending jobs overseas”.  Murphy set his beartrap, then stumbled and fell into it himself:

Murphy also went after Gibson throughout the debate for leaving in place tax loopholes that send jobs overseas, referring to medical device manufacturer C.R. Bard’s choice to expand off-shore because taxes meant investing in upstate New York would cost 41 percent more in taxes.

“We need to make it a little harder to move jobs overseas,” Murphy said, echoing a point he has made in advertisements.

Gibson bristled at the charge. The retired Army colonel from Kinderhook moved from an attentive posture to an excited hunch, saying “now is not the time to raise taxes.” He has previously said he takes this charge personally, and to cheers from the crowd, proclaimed, “the only thing that I’ve shipped overseas in the last few years has been myself and my paratroopers to fight for this country.”

Ouch!  That’s gonna leave a mark, and hopefully, a noticeable one on November 3!

October 20, 2010 Posted by | quote of the day | 1 Comment

Columnist: Vote for Republicans, because while they do suck, they suck much less than Democrats

Relax, folks.  This is friggin’ hilarious!  Read Frank Fleming’s column, which leads one to the conclusion that he gets royalties every time he uses the word “suck”!  😆  Hilarious excerpt:

AMERICANS: “So, the economy is pretty bad and there’s high employment. You think you can do something about that?”

DEMOCRATS AND OBAMA: “We can spend a trillion dollars we don’t have on pork and stuff.”

AMERICANS: “No … that’s not what we want. We’d really like you not to do that.”

DEMOCRATS: “You’re stupid. We’re doing it anyway.”

AMERICANS: “That’s not going to help us get jobs!”

DEMOCRATS: “Sure it will; millions of them … though they may be invisible. You’ll have to trust us they exist. And guess what else we’ll do: We’ll create a giant new government program to take over health care.”

AMERICANS: “That has nothing to do with jobs!”

DEMOCRATS: “We don’t care about that anymore. We really want a giant new health care program. We’re sure you’ll love it.”

AMERICANS: “Don’t pass that bill. You hear me? Absolutely do not pass that bill.”

DEMOCRATS: “Believe me; you’ll love it. It has … well, I don’t know what exactly is in the bill, but we’re sure it’s great.”


DEMOCRATS: “You’re not the boss of me! We’re doing it anyway!”

AMERICANS: “Look what you did! Now the economy is way worse, we’re even deeper in debt, and we have a bunch of new laws we don’t want!”

DEMOCRATS: “You’re racist.”

AMERICANS: “Wha … How is that racist?”

DEMOCRATS: “Now you’re getting violent! Stop being violent and racist, you ignorant hillbillies! And remember to vote Democrat in November.”

Read his column, or you suck.  😆

October 20, 2010 Posted by | humor, Obama | 1 Comment

Barney Frank in danger of losing his seat?

In light of Barney dispatching his boy-toy to heckle his GOP opponent Sean Bielat, and in light of thisdare I to hope?

Longtime Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank has given his re-election campaign $200,000 as he faces his toughest race in years.

A campaign finance report filed Tuesday showed that Frank, the chairman of the powerful House Financial Services committee, lent himself the money Tuesday…

A longtime public servant, Frank isn’t exactly a rich man. Financial disclosures filed with the House show he has assets between $560,000 and $1.5 million. He is not required to disclose the worth of his primary residence.

Frank’s district is heavily Democrat, otherwise there’s no way in Hell this reprobate would have been continually sent back to Congress, especially after his boyfriend ran a prostitution ring out of his DC home.  That said, Scott Brown did win the D.C. Madam’s district back in January in the Senate special election.  Fingers crossed!

October 20, 2010 Posted by | Barney Frank, Massachusetts | 5 Comments

Liberal morons: Sarah Palin is an idiot for mentioning the year of the Boston Tea Party at…a Tea Party rally

Sarah Palin addressed a Tea Party rally in NV and mentioned that they needed to vote on November 2, and that they couldn’t “party like it’s 1773” quite yet.  The leftosphere was atwitter, giggling like school girls (or Barney Frank) at a Justin Bieber concert.  The lefto-meme: She’s so stupid that she didn’t know she was three years off!

There’s just one problem, rocket surgeons: 1773 was the year of the Boston Tea Party.  Tea Party…Boston Tea Party…get itGoogle is your friend.  As “Otis, my man!” Day from Animal House might sing about the left: “Don’t know much bout history.”

It wasn’t just the moonbats who stepped in it, either.  “Respected” lefties like Gwen Ifill even snarked on it. While many of them realized that they were the ones who looked like the morons, and others (like Gwen) tried to pretend that they weren’t implying what we know they were, yet other leftist boobs are continuing to ride that Titanic meme all the way into the icy cold depths of beclownery.

Enjoy the irony, friends, of this moment: a woman whom the left mocks as a dullard just made ALL of them look like the fools!  Schooled by the Sarahcuda!  😆

October 20, 2010 Posted by | moonbats, Palin, Tea Party | 3 Comments

ObamaCare’s latest victim: Boeing

If you like your health plan, you get to keep it.  Unless you work for Boeing, that is.  Details:

Aerospace giant Boeing is joining the list of companies that say the new health care law could have a potential downside for their workers.

In a letter mailed to employees late last week, the company cited the overhaul as part of the reason it is asking some 90,000 nonunion workers to pay significantly more for their health plan next year. A copy of the letter was obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

The newly enacted health care reform legislation, while intended to expand access to care for millions of uninsured Americans, is also adding cost pressure as requirements of the new law are phased in over the next several years,” wrote Rick Stephens, Boeing’s senior vice president for human resources.

Deductibles, the share of medical costs that employees pay annually before their plan kicks in, will go up to $300 for individuals, an increase of $100. For families, the new deductible will be $900, an increase of $300.

In addition, Boeing is instituting a copayment of 10 percent after the deductible has been met. The copayment will rise to 20 percent in 2012.

Those changes will reduce the value of the Boeing plan, but it’s unclear whether that will allow the company to escape the tax (Cadillac tax. – CL) looming in 2018.

For the left, this isn’t a bug in ObamaCare.  It’s a feature.  In order to get to government-run (i.e. socialized) health care, the private sector must collapse first…one Boeing at a time.

October 19, 2010 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, health care, Obama, socialism | 3 Comments

Obama: Ignorant voters are just too darned scared to vote properly this year!

In 2008, B.O. told a bunch of San Fransicko liberals that rural voters tend to cling to God and guns and had antipathy to people who weren’t white.  With two weeks until the midterms that could toss Queen Nancy and her majority out on their collective (and collectivist) duffs, he decided to one-up his ’08 faux pas and insult the electorate in Massachusetts.  Details:

President Barack Obama said Americans’ “fear and frustration” is to blame for an intense midterm election cycle that threatens to derail the Democratic agenda.

“Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now and facts and science and argument does not seem to be winning the day all the time is because we’re hardwired not to always think clearly when we’re scared,” Obama said Saturday evening in remarks at a small Democratic fundraiser Saturday evening. “And the country’s scared.”

Obama told the several dozen donors that he was offering them his “view from the Oval Office.” He faulted the economic downturn for Americans’ inability to “think clearly” and said the burden is on Democrats “to break through the fear and the frustration people are feeling.”

Well, at least it’s not because we’re racist this time when we reject him.  Yeah, now that will bring the electorate around to your side, President Kick#ss:  “Vote for us, or I’ll call you a p#ssy.”  Well, champ, a big “Meow!” is coming on November 2.

Ace sums it up beautifully:

Most Democrats believe this, or some variation of it; but 90% of office-holders do not say it. They do not give in to their angry id and impugn voters’ judgments over the sin of deeming their failures to be actual failures.

Bill Clinton tended to avoid this almost always.

But Obama is different. He believes this deeply, and furthermore, he has such an ego that he feels he’d be demeaning himself to suppress his true beliefs.

It’s just who Dems are.  They can’t help it.  It’s in their DNA.  In their cold, black hearts, they truly believe that if you reject their failed leftist ideology, the problem is with you, you bunch of ignorant, mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, hayseed inbreeders!  It couldn’t possibly be them or their liberalism, could it?  Why no, the problem is the sheeple!  It’s amazing that such a thick, noxious condescension and a sickening elitism isn’t more of a winner at the ballot box, huh?

October 18, 2010 Posted by | Obama, shameful | 5 Comments

Barney Frank’s opponent heckled by…Barney Frank’s boyfriend?

Hilarity (and humiliation) ensues:

Upon exiting the most recent debate with Barney Frank, located at WGBH studios in Boston, MA, Republican Congressional candidate, Sean Bielat, gets heckled by a Barney Frank “supporter” while talking to the media. While watching this video, we realized that we recognized this “supporter”. We received confirmation from two eyewitnesses that the mysterious cameraman was none other than Barney Frank’s pot-growing boyfriend, James Ready.

October 18, 2010 Posted by | Barney Frank, gay | 3 Comments

Angle clobbers Reid in debate

Whether it makes a difference in the polls or at the ballot box, only time will tell.  The takeaways:

1.  The Sun, one of the two main Vegas fishwraps that doesn’t like Angle, laments that she won: “Look upon these works, ye mighty, and despair.”

2.  The Sun notes other takes from the punditry:

I know we Nevadans get our backs up when the national media condescends. We are a proud bunch; we love our state. But as I surveyed the post-mortems in the 140-character world, where concision often yields brutal truth, you could almost sense the head-shaking as the national types opined:

NBC’s Chuck Todd: “Reid’s problem tonight is that while Angle wasn’t great, his performance made her look passable.”

Politico’s Dave Catanese: “Utterly subpar.”

Political Wire’s Taegan Goddard: “Reid didn’t knock out Angle but she had him on the ropes. Have to give the edge to Angle …”

Political writer Taylor Marsh may have summed it up best: “Sharron Angle passed the ‘I’m not crazy test’ with flying colors. Focused too. This lady just might pull this off. Reid didn’t take her out.”

3.  National Journal:

By debate’s end, Reid had failed to land any significant blows on Angle. He looked unprepared for Angle’s barbs. With just one day until early voting becomes available to Nevada residents, Reid’s performance didn’t improve his precarious political standing.

And Angle, who only needed to demonstrate she wasn’t as extreme as portrayed in Democratic commercials, performed that job adequately.

4.  In addition to telling Reid to “Man up”, Angle delivered a solid body blow with this:

Angle took full advantage of Reid’s position as a political insider, taunting him for his support of Democratic policies, from the stimulus to the health care bill. At one point, Angle told Reid to “man up” – and later questioned how he became so wealthy as a public servant.

“I’m not a career politician,” Angle said in her opening remarks. “I live in a middle class neighborhood in Reno; Senator Reid lives in the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, DC.”


5.  Left-wing blog Slate basically says the debate sucked, but Angle sucked less than Harry.  With those leftists, that’s a startling admission that their boy lost.  Excerpt:

Sharron Angle had the marginally better night in the only debate of this high-profile race. Reid has portrayed her as a nut case. She didn’t appear nutty.

6.  Obama’s favorite fishwrap, Newsweek:

It was billed as the contest Harry Reid had to win. But the Senate majority leader better hope that wasn’t true: his performance in Thursday night’s lone Nevada Senate debate is being widely panned, with Reid coming off as wooden, inarticulate, and shiftless. Meanwhile, Reid’s opponent, Tea Party standard bearer Sharron Angle, avoided a serious gaffe—no small feat, given her track record.

7.  No word yet on whether this debate performance had any effect on Chris Matthews’ leg.

In the end, Reid had to prove that Angle was an extreme whackjob, and he failed to do that.  He actually made her look “passable”, which was the last thing he needed to do.  Assuming there are still any undecideds in NV, he hurt himself with that group by not selling his “Vote for me, because I’m not nuts like her” message.

October 15, 2010 Posted by | Reid | 3 Comments

Quote of the day, “Another Democrat craps on the Constitution” edition

When it’s not Phil Hare (D-IL) telling us that he doesn’t care what the Constitution says, it’s this jackwagon:

“We have a lousy Supreme Court decision that has opened the floodgates, and so we have to deal within the realm of constitutionality. And a lot of the campaign finance bills that we have passed have been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. I think the Constitution is wrong. I don’t think that money is the same thing as human beings,” Rep. Jim McGovern (D-MA) said at a debate Wednesday. He was commenting on the Citizens United v. FEC decision.

Notice that the ones who are openly contemptuous of the Constitution are all Democrats?  They take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, right before they begin to summarily ignore it.  Why, it’s almost as if a Democrat’s word doesn’t mean anything!  For those of you on the left, the prior sentence was sarcasm.

October 14, 2010 Posted by | Constitution, quote of the day | 6 Comments

CBS Chicago “journalist” threatens Rahm interviewer for not kissing Rahm’s butt enough

Breitbart has the video clip and the story.  Par for the course in Chicago.

Nope…no liberal media bias!

October 13, 2010 Posted by | Chicago, media bias, shameful | 1 Comment

Thanks to Obama’s attacks, Rove’s group now raising gobs of cash to target “safe” Dem seats

Or, as Caroline May headlines, “Obama is Rove’s fundraiser-in-chief”.  Heh.

American Crossroads, a Republican organization founded with the encouragement of Karl Rove and former RNC chief Ed Gillespie, is reaping the benefits that come with receiving criticism from an administration polling below 50%. Since the White House began attacking the conservative group last week for not disclosing their donors, the organization has raised $13.3 million — destroying their original fundraising goals and allowing them to target traditionally “low-risk” Democrat House seats.

“There is no question that the increased visibility that the White House has given us in the last week has increased our fundraising,” Crossroads spokesman Jonathan Collegio told The Daily Caller. “We have blown past our original $50 million fundraising goal and have increased our projection to $65 million by November 2.”

Sample donation comments:

Many of these donations came as a positive response to the administration’s targeted vitriol. A $250 donation from an unnamed physician, for example, came with the comment, “President Obama made me aware of you and I’m sure I’m not alone. Good luck and get the GOP as many as they can win.”

Another donor wrote, “Keep up the good work. Don’t be intimidated by threats from Obama and the Democrats. The more they do it, the more we will contribute.”

“President Obama referred me! I, too, am tired of the bullying by the federal government. So, please accept my small donation as a token of my appreciation for all of your efforts towards stopping the most destruction government ever to take residence in Washington!” penned another.

This week the group is laying down $2 million in eight house districts including NY-20, NY-22, NY-25, OH-18, HI 1, CA 3, IN-2, FL-22. “These are seats where Democrats until now thought they were safe. One of them, for example, NY-22, has not had a competitive campaign since 1992,” Collegio said.

President Kick#ss seems to be doing his level best to kick his own party’s #ss.

October 13, 2010 Posted by | Obama | 1 Comment

Taxpayer-funded union trashes the people who pay their salaries


If you can’t beat them, insult and attack them…
The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) released this “teabagger” election ad this week. They hope that by smearing all of those limited government protesters with an offensive sexual innuendo these patriots will stay home on election day.
And, of course, they don’t care that these vile ads are playing on the internet and are heard on the radio so your children can learn how to be mean and rude, too. 

By “teabaggers”, they mean “taxpayers”, you know.  Apparently, the irony of them sliming the people who fund their bloated salaries and pensions is totally lost on them.  Unions are about as useful as boobs on a boar.

October 12, 2010 Posted by | hypocrisy, Tea Party, unions | 2 Comments

Time magazine: I get the funny feeling that EVERYONE thinks Obama is in WAY over his head!

If only someone, anyone, would have mentioned two years ago that zero years of executive experience, three years in the Senate, and seven years in a state legislature didn’t exactly add up to presidential credentials.

Hmmm?  Oh, you’re right…I and every right-of-center American knew that the dude was an empty suit with the the gift for gab and nothing else.  But the left and the MSM (pardon the redundancy) insisted that just because the guy never even ran so much as a lemonade stand, that didn’t mean he couldn’t lead the free world and the greatest economic system ever devised by mankind.  As it turns out, yeah…that’s exactly what it meant.

Mark Halperin of Time, unfortunately, comes to discover this two years too late:

Barack Obama is being politically crushed in a vise. From above, by elite opinion about his competence. From below, by mass anger and anxiety over unemployment. And it is too late for him to do anything about this predicament until after November’s elections.

With the exception of core Obama Administration loyalists, most politically engaged elites have reached the same conclusions: the White House is in over its head, isolated, insular, arrogant and clueless about how to get along with or persuade members of Congress, the media, the business community or working-class voters.

In short, only the B.O. Kool-Aid drinkers think the man is capable of running the country.

How’s that Hopenchange working out for you?  Not so well, huh?

October 11, 2010 Posted by | media bias, Obama | 7 Comments