Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Feminuts henpeck Kennedrunk over Osamabama endorsement

If there’s ever a classic example of how feminists, like other leftards, “feel, not think”, this would be it:

Women have just experienced the ultimate betrayal. Senator Kennedy’s endorsement of Hillary Clinton’s opponent in the Democratic presidential primary campaign has really hit women hard. Women have forgiven Kennedy, stuck up for him, stood by him, hushed the fact that he was late in his support of Title IX, the ERA, the Family Leave and Medical Act to name a few…

And now the greatest betrayal! We are repaid with his abandonment! He’s picked the new guy over us. He’s joined the list of progressive white men who can’t or won’t handle the prospect of a woman president who is Hillary Clinton (they will of course say they support a woman president, just not “this” one)…

This latest move by Kennedy, is so telling about the status of and respect for women’s rights, women’s voices, women’s equality, women’s authority and our ability – indeed, our obligation – to promote and earn and deserve and elect, unabashedly, a President that is the first woman after centuries of men who “know what’s best for us.”  (As opposed to voting for the first woman who “knows what’s best for us”? – Ed.) 

That’s right, my friends.  You can be a grotesque cretin like Kennedy, but if you pay your “indulgence fee” by voting for The Sister in the race, all is well among the “women” (and I use that term loosely) who look out for “women’s rights”!  That must explain why the NAGs still like Bubba.

Anywho, our trolls “helpful editors” here at the Crush Liberalism Objective World News Service (CLOWNS) suggested the womynists add the following bold lines, but the wild-eyed vagitarians weren’t having it:

Women have forgiven Kennedy, stuck up for him, stood by him, hushed the fact that he was late in his support of Title IX, the ERA, the Family Leave and Medical Act; ignored the fact that he and Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) forced themselves onto a waitress at La Brasserie  in order to make a “waitress sandwich”; and completely and collectively erased the memory of the murder of Mary Jo Kopechne by leaving her to die a slow watery death while he paced the roadside in a drunken stupor to ponder the ramifications on his political career…to name a few.

Damn feminutjob editors!

Irony: it’s not just for breakfast anymore!

January 29, 2008 - Posted by | feminism, irony, Kennedrunk, Obama


  1. I wonder if the women’s movement would have the same to say if Elizabeth Dole or Condoleezza Rice were running…

    OH, THAT’S RIGHT – democrat women are the only ones afforded this sort of attention. Republican women aren’t really women after all.

    Comment by TheBad | January 29, 2008

  2. Correct, sir. In the eyes of Dems, Republican women aren’t women at all.

    Then again, when I see the hags of the left and the beauties of the right, I have to disagree! 😀

    Comment by crushliberalism | January 29, 2008

  3. Just how bad off is Hillary when Teddy wont even go for her?

    Comment by WMD_Maker | January 29, 2008

  4. Maybe Ted and Hillary should take a long car ride to discuss the situation, work things out… Ted can drive, of course.

    Comment by PabloD | January 29, 2008

  5. Missing from your list of right-wing beauties is Angie Harmon. Ooooooh!

    Comment by TheBad | January 29, 2008

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