Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Quote of the day

Funny stuff:

Here’s the video of the invocation at the New York State Republican Party dinner last night, delivered to a crowd including Rudy Giuliani and Rep. Peter King, and where Dick Cheney later spoke.

In it, the priest, Monsignor Jim Lisante mockingly asks God to change Obama’s mind and volunteers to replace Rev. Jeremiah Wright as Obama’s pastor.

“One more thing, Lord. Please tell Senator Obama that maybe change is a good thing and maybe he should think about changing his favorite preacher,” he said, to applause.

“I know a lot more of us would be comfortable with his judgment skills if he hadn’t sat for 20 years through those words offered by his preacher of division, bigotry, and – honestly – half truths without a word of objection from Senator until the media brought it up, and now he doesn’t want any part of the guy,” he said.

“I’m willing to be his new preacher.” …

Look, I’ll be the first to admit that preachers should try not to make political statements like this, regardless of which party they belong to or which ideology they espouse.  But I’d be lying if I told you that I didn’t find this to be funny, because I do.

May 30, 2008 Posted by | Obama, quote of the day | 1 Comment

Liberal talking head: Whites can’t talk about…white pastor?

In reference to that nutjob white preacher that the Obamessiah “didn’t know” was a racist nutbar, the folks on MSNBC’s little-watched Morning Joe were weighing in.  Spokesbabe Mika Brzezinski opened her mouth and inserted her foot.  From Newsbusters:

CARLSON: If you describe this church as your spiritual home, the place that shaped you as a man, morally, and the congregation is on its feet cheering this kind of crap, what does that say.BRZEZINSKI: I want to hear from them.

CARLSON: I want an explanation.

BRZEZINSKI: I want to hear from them. I certainly don’t want to sit here—four white people—assessing this church.

CARLSON: Oh, I do! I think that’s totally fair. By the way, the preacher was white! I don’t think this has to do with race: it has to do with hatred.

BRZEZINSKI: I noticed that. Oh, God. [The screencap shows the flummoxed Mika ducking her head.]

This is the liberal mindset that says whites can’t condemn bigotry in a black setting—even when it comes from the mouth of a white preacher.

Next time, Sweetie…maybe try doing a little research.  I’m just sayin’…


May 30, 2008 Posted by | bigotry, media bias, moonbats | 5 Comments

Obama’s other nutty racist pastor

With all of the crazy ideas Barry O has (such as negotiating with Ahmanutjob in Iran), and with all of the vile vermin with whom he associates (Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Tony Rezko, etc.), the Obamessiah is asking an awful lot from us to elect him based on his “judgment”!

The latest installment of “bathsh#t crazy people with whom I associate but you can’t hold me accountable for it” is this tool, Fr. Michael Pfleger.  He’s a white guy who is so consumed with racial guilt that he’s a disciple of Black Liberation Theology, which of course is a front for anti-white bigots like he and Rev. Wright.  Barry O’s judgment is so sharp that he’s immersed his whole family in this hateful environment.  Little wonder his wife hates America.

Naturally, Obambi is “shocked” and “deeply disappointed” to “just now learn” that a man with whom he’s associated for over 20 years is a flaming race-baiting bigot.  Is it just me, or does it seem like the Obamessiah doesn’t seem to truly know ANY of the unsavory people he’s been pals with for a couple of decades?

Van Helsing refers to this white version of Rev. Wright as “the Eminem of Black Liberation Theology”. Heh.

Exit question: Can the Obamessiah “no more disown him” than he could his white grandmother?

May 30, 2008 Posted by | bigotry, moonbats, Obama | 9 Comments

Michelle Obama: Fear is why America sucks

It’s obvious to anyone with a functioning brain cell that Shelly O really thinks America is a lousy place.  Her latest salvo against my country:

Fear is the reason this country is where it is today.

Really?  We’re the greatest country on the face of the planet and in the history of the planet because of…fear?  Wow…just “wow”!

May 30, 2008 Posted by | moonbats, Obama, shameful | 16 Comments

Pelosi: Iran’s the reason the surge is working

To quote Ace: “Oh. My. God.”  What a friggin’ lunatic.

Oh. My. God.

Having blurted out, probably accidentally, that the surge was in fact successful, Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants now scrambles to credit the enemy nation murdering our troops with the victory our troops accomplished through blood, sweat, tears, and more blood.

It’s not our troops. It’s not Petraeus’ leadership. It’s not the Iraqis turning on the Al Qaeda murderers. No — it’s Iran’s goodwill.

Well, the purpose of the surge was to provide a secure space, a time for the political change to occur to accomplish the reconciliation. That didn’t happen. Whatever the military success, and progress that may have been made, the surge didn’t accomplish its goal.And some of the success of the surge is that the goodwill of the Iranians-they decided in Basra when the fighting would end, they negotiated that cessation of hostilities-the Iranians.

Pardon my blasphemy but Jesus Christ All Mighty.

Will she also thank Al Qaeda for scaling back its beheadings and bombings?

And to think this moonbat extraordinaire is two steps away from the presidency!

May 30, 2008 Posted by | dhimmitude, Iran, moonbats, Pelosi | 10 Comments

McClellan to back Obama?

Scotty Mac gets a paycheck from a Soros front group to publish a hit piece on his former boss and friend, and miracle of miracles, mother of all coinkidinks…he’s probably gonna vote for the Obamessiah!

This revelation was made on the little-watched MSNBC show with Keith Olbermann.  Yeah, the same Blabbermann who once called Scotty Mac’s behavior “treasonous” is now, as sheer unadulterated luck would have it, good buddies with McClellan.  Unless I had a fat payday waiting for me, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be fraternizing with a moonbat who called my behavior “treasonous”, but I’m kinda funny that way.

May 30, 2008 Posted by | McClellan, moonbats, Olbermann | 1 Comment

“Franken’s old Playboy article concerns Democrats”

Boy, those Dems sure have their priorities straight, don’t they?  Alleged comedian Al Franken, running for the MN Senate seat currently held by Norm Coleman, has a great deal of baggage that doesn’t seem to cause concern for his party: looting funds from a non-profit organization that serves poor inner-city youths and Alzheimer’s patients; forgery; physically assaulting those with whom he disagrees; joking about taking pleasure in seeing a gay man killed; avoiding paying for his employees’ workers comp insurance; tax evasion; and a plethora of other issues.

But a satirical article in Playboy?  Now THAT sends a chill down the Dems’ collective spines!

Exit question:  Someone actually read an article in Playboy?  I can’t seem to get past the pictures!

May 30, 2008 Posted by | al franken, Minnesota, moonbats | 1 Comment