Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Obama: OK, I lied about my infanticide vote

While we out in normal America use the word “lie”, The Chosen One prefers “misstated”!  From Jill Stanek:

From the New York Sun, dated August 18:

Indeed, Mr. Obama appeared to misstate his position in the CBN interview on Saturday when he said the federal version he supported “was not the bill that was presented at the state level.”His campaign yesterday acknowledged that he had voted against an identical bill in the state Senate, and a spokesman, Hari Sevugan, said the senator and other lawmakers had concerns that even as worded, the legislation could have undermined existing Illinois abortion law. Those concerns did not exist for the federal bill, because there is no federal abortion law.

Less than 24 hours prior, Obama told CBN’s David Brody that people were lying about his vote. The Obamaliar was right about that…but the person lying about his vote was himself! The money quote:

So for people to suggest that I and the IL Medical Society, so IL doctors were somehow in favor of withholding life saving support from an infant born alive is ridiculous. It defies common sense and it defies imagination and for people to keep on pushing this is offensive and it’s an example of the kind of politics that we have to get beyond.

In other words, the defender of infanticide admits that what he did “defies common sense” and “defies imagination”! What a hideous, shameless, disgusting, and heinous waste of oxygen this man is!

Exit invitation: Next time you hear some moonbat pop off at the piehole about how Bu$hitler McCheneyburton is a “baby killer”, let them know that their messiah is a true baby killer!

August 18, 2008 - Posted by | abortion, Obama, shameful


  1. He also lied about voting for the war when he was asked what his biggest moral failure was. He wasn’t even IN THE SENATE when that vote took place!

    The defining moment for me in that interview was when Obama was asked if evil exists and if so, do you appease it, negotiate with it or destroy it. To which he replied (paraphrasing) that evil exists in the streets of America and then tap danced around how you deal with evil. He didn’t mention Al Qaeda, Bin Laden, etc., ….he freakin cited AMERICA. The dude truly IS an OBOMINATION!

    Comment by Kanaka Girl | August 18, 2008

  2. Right on KG. Hussein never gave a straight answer throughout the entire period, not even the questions about his opinion! I guess his staffers didn’t tell him what his opinion was?

    Comment by tnjack | August 18, 2008

  3. “Hussein never gave a straight answer throughout the entire period, not even the questions about his opinion!”

    Thats because he has no idea what his opinion is until he finds out what yours is then thats his for the conversation. Ask him the next day and it will be different. I have no problem with changing a stance on something after finding new info, but this clown has no stance to start from.

    Comment by WMD_Maker | August 18, 2008

  4. Folks who’re truly interested in pro-life issues NEED to subscribe to the “Human Life Review.” Check it out:

    Comment by Joltin' Django | August 18, 2008

  5. WMD – I think that’s what’s known as “baffling them with your Bulls#it”.
    The guy puts Clinton to shame with his artful dodging.

    Comment by Kanaka Girl | August 19, 2008

  6. KG,

    “he defining moment for me in that interview was when Obama was asked if evil exists and if so, do you appease it, negotiate with it or destroy it. To which he replied (paraphrasing) that evil exists in the streets of America”

    I agree he danced on this issue. But in a way there is evil on the Streets of America, but not the evil Obama wants to admit. When a person is selling drugs to kids that is evil. When a pimp forces a runaway into prostitution, it is evil. When a gang leader forces a youth to kill or harm an innocent just to gain membership into the said gang, it is evil. We can go on and on. However instead of pointing out the failure of the Republicans to better address these issues as “evil”, Obama choose not to. Instead he instead wants us to pity the criminal.

    Comment by Steve | August 19, 2008

  7. I agree he danced on this issue. But in a way there is evil on the Streets of America, but not the evil Obama wants to admit.

    I just found it telling that the FIRST examples of evil he thought about were in America. Not Islamic terrorism, not tyrants and dictators, but in America.

    Comment by crushliberalism | August 19, 2008

  8. And let’s not forget his comment that we have to approach evil with “humility”…”because a lot of evil has been perpetrated based on the claim that we were trying to confront evil”.
    (i.e., America is evil for trying to save the Iraqi people and the world from a tyrannical dictator).

    Steve – evil takes many faces and the things you outlined are indeed acts of evil, but when asked to define evil itself, AMERICA certainly wouldn’t be my answer.

    Comment by Kanaka Girl | August 19, 2008

  9. KG,

    I agree it doesn’t do well to call the people who you hope to convince to vote for you “evil” if you want to have a chance of winning. I was trying to point out how Obama could have played it successfully. However, he’s not smart enough to see issues in that way. That is why Obama lost in the forum.

    Comment by Steve | August 19, 2008

  10. […] At least she didn’t abort her child when she discovered he would have Down’s Syndrome.  Memo to the Obamination: yes, it IS too late to abort him now. […]

    Pingback by CNN: Why is Palin running for VP when she has a kid with Down’s Syndrome? « Crush Liberalism | August 29, 2008

  11. […] they’re just mad because Palin didn’t perform an Obama-style post-birth “abortion”.  Sick freaks. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)If Sarah Palin Lied, We Must […]

    Pingback by Moonbat blogs attack Palin’s 16-year-old daughter « Crush Liberalism | September 1, 2008

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