Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Obama’s shifting recollection of Ayers

Take #1:  Just a dude in my neighborhood.

Take #2:  OK, it’s a little deeper than that, but not much.  Just a guy I worked with.  I didn’t know anything about his past.

Take #3:  OK, you got me.  I knew about his past, but I thought he had been rehabilitated.

Notes Ed:

Maybe Obama didn’t watch ABC News or Connie Chung when his political partner and his wife appeared on national television in 1998, while Obama and Ayers worked on the CAC. Does this sound “rehabilitated” to you? 

Not only do Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn reject the opportunity to express any remorse, Dohrn says she’d do it all again, with Ayers nodding. They don’t regret setting bombs, and they don’t regret committing terrorist acts. In fact, Dohrn says, “I wish we were more militant.”

Obama thought this was rehabilitation? Er, sure, just like he thinks they’re “mainstream”. His political partners bombed the Pentagon, and wish they had bombed more.

Judgement…and stuff.

October 10, 2008 Posted by | Obama, shameful | 3 Comments

Satire alert, ACORN edition

Excerpt from Iowahawk:

Attorneys for the voting registration organizations ACORN and Project Vote filed an anti-discrimination voting rights suit in the U.S. Federal District court this morning, alleging the United States government is involved in “a widespread, systematic effort to disenfranchise Imaginary-Americans and deprive them of access to polls.”

“Participation in our electoral process is a fundamental right, and the foundation of our democracy,” said ASDF ASDFG, a spokesperson for the National Association for the Advancement of Imaginary People, one of the groups named as plaintiffs in the class action. “We will not be silent when government denies people access to the polls on the basis of color, or sex, or existential status.”


October 10, 2008 Posted by | satire, vote fraud | 3 Comments