Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Poll: Americans less respected in the world today than under the evil fiend Bush

The poll was conducted by two liberal groups, too.  Although the results show that America’s standing in the world has been severely tarnished over the last 14 months, you have to wonder if liberals consider that to be a bug or a feature.

I’m stunned, though.  I mean, who knew that a global apology/groveling tour by B.O., trying to close Gitmo, wanting to meet with genocidal dictators without preconditions, wanting to give civilian trials to bloodthirsty camelhumping jihadists, and trying to remove “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” from our military would give the world the impression that our president is a puss?

March 9, 2010 - Posted by | Obama, polls, shameful


  1. Well, he did promise change.

    Comment by The Conservative Manifesto | March 9, 2010

  2. Q. I mean, who knew?
    A. Anyone who happened to look at Nobama’s record of accomplishments. This might include his scholastic records or his senatorial accomplishments (Present)!

    Comment by tnjack | March 9, 2010

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