Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Romney hits Obama on “Apology Tour”

About. Friggin’. Time.

October 23, 2012 Posted by | Obama, political correctness, Romney, shameful | 3 Comments

Feckless Obama administration blasted for disgusting reaction to Libyan embassy massacre

Video link here, partial transcript here:

These optics suck, White House! I mean we have 4 Americans who are dead who were butchered and slaughtered because this administration did not have the foresight to fortify these embassies on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11. And there he is with all of his fanbois and fangirls in Vegas raising money while they scream ‘I love you!’ in the middle of an international crisis.

But hey, it’s ROMNEY’S STATEMENT that is drawing MSM scrutiny, right?  Effin’ lapdog media.

September 13, 2012 Posted by | Libya, media bias, Obama, political correctness, religion of peace, shameful | 2 Comments

Democrats honor vets at their convention…RUSSIAN vets

But hey, they “support the troops”, right?  From the Navy Times:

On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, a retired Navy four-star took the stage to pay tribute to veterans. Behind him, on a giant screen, the image of four hulking warships reinforced his patriotic message.

But there was a big mistake in the stirring backdrop: those are Russian warships.

While retired Adm. John Nathman, a former commander of Fleet Forces Command, honored vets as America’s best, the ships from the Russian Federation Navy were arrayed like sentinels on the big screen above.

These were the very Soviet-era combatants that Nathman and Cold Warriors like him had once squared off against.

“The ships are definitely Russian,” said noted naval author Norman Polmar after reviewing hi-resolution photos from the event. “There’s no question of that in my mind.”

If you have not yet done so, feel free to go ahead and question their patriotism.

September 12, 2012 Posted by | military, Obama, shameful | Leave a comment

DWS explains four different versions on why the Godless party (Democrats) omitted God and Jerusalem from its platform

Why, it’s as if Democrats are liars AND Godless cretins!  Summed up best by Allah:

In less than 60 seconds here, you’ve got four lies. One: She says the language was dropped because platforms are long and things get overlooked. True enough, they are long, but you’re kidding yourself if you think the language on Israel isn’t closely scrutinized. If the platform changed from 2008, it changed for a deliberate reason. Two: She says the platform was amended to reflect Obama’s “personal view,” which is a lie by omission. O’s personal view is what it is, but the administration’s official position on this issue is agnostic. Three: She says there was no discord on the floor. Yeah? Who were all those delegates booing then? And four: She says yes, obviously there were two-thirds in favor of adding the language. Again, eyewitnesses at the scene tell a different story. But then, this is Debbie being Debbie. Whereas other top flacks try to twist facts and shade the truth, she’ll tell you straight to your face that you didn’t just see and hear what you’ve seen and heard 20 times on cable news and YouTube this afternoon. That’s how you get to be chair of the DNC and a member of Congress instead of some no-name spokesman somewhere.

The left is impervious to both shame and facts.

September 6, 2012 Posted by | Debbie Wasserman Schultz, shameful | 19 Comments

“War on women” irony lost on Democrats at their convention

A tribute to the late Senator Ted Kennedy, who killed a woman with his car and let her die in a slow, torturous watery tomb as his pickled #ss wandered up and down the road, pondering his political future.  Mary Jo Kopechne was unavailable for comment.  Then again, so was Kennedrunk.  Anywho, Teddy K also sexually accosted a waitress with Chris Dodd (Google “waitress sandwich Dodd Kennedy” if you don’t know).

Bill Clinton, a womanizing lout who raped Juanita Broaddrick.

Yet it’s Mitt Romney and the Republicans who have declared a “war on women”?  Got it.  Thanks for the clarification.

Irony: it’s not just for breakfast anymore.

September 5, 2012 Posted by | Bill Clinton, feminism, irony, Kennedrunk, Romney, shameful | 4 Comments

Despicable Obama ad blaming Romney for killing a worker’s wife is so bad that…wait…even MSNBC slams him?

Dude, you know you have jumped the shark when the mouthbreathing fellatrix lineup at MSDNC thinks you’ve gone too far.

August 8, 2012 Posted by | MSNBC, Obama, Romney, shameful | 4 Comments

MSM continues getting it wrong in their flailing attempts to connect the Tea Party to violence

By now, many of you have seen how Brian Ross of ABC, with an assist from former Clintonite George Snuffalupugus, committed arguably the worst cast of journalistic malpractice since Dan Rather’s forged memo story cost him his job.  Immediately after the Colorado movie shooting, Ross found a guy with the same name as the shooter on a Colorado Tea Party Facebook page.  Turns out that James Holmes isn’t that uncommon of a name and the shooter and “Liker” of the FB page weren’t the same guy.  Go figure.

Anywho, this isn’t the first time the MSM has attempted to paint the Tea Party or conservative groups with the violent brush.  There are at least six verifiable cases of the MSM employing this shameful tactic…and in every single instance, the MSM was 100% wrong.  Excerpt:

After James “The Joker” Holmes committed unspeakable acts of violence at a midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” last Friday, ABC’s Brian Ross — in what can only be described as a sloppy act of journalism — practically jumped at the chance to tie the shooter to the Tea Party.

“There is a Jim Holmes of Aurora, CO, uh Paige, on the Colorado Tea Party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last summer. We don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes, but it is Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado,” Ross said.

Problem: Ross and ABC never investigated the connection. Had they checked their facts, they would’ve discovered that the 52-year-old Tea Partier was not, in fact, the same man arrested by Aurora police that morning. But that didn’t stop Ross. He went on national television and casually tossed out the idea that the Tea Party might somehow be connected to the “Batman” massacre.

Of course, ABC and Ross have apologized for their sloppy reporting, but the speculation remains: Somebody, whether it was Ross or his producers, wanted to tie the conservative grassroots movement to the nightmarish events that took place that night.

But you know what? Conservatives should be used to this at this point. After all, it’s not like Ross’ undisciplined act of media malpractice is a first. Indeed, the media has a long and illustrious history of trying to tie acts of psychopathic violence to either the Tea Party or some other conservative group or personality.

Lawyer and Blogger Gabriel Malor has an op-ed in the New York Post that includes a sampling of some of the moments when the media, without any sort of evidence or proof, has falsely connected conservatism to random and senseless acts of violence. We’ve decided to pick six of them and go into detail.

You MUST read the whole thing, especially to be reminded of the specific cases where the MSM got it wrong.  Yet they keep doing it!

This is what we’re up against, folks.  A state-run MSM that has gone from reporting to advocacy in a couple of generations.  Fortunately, we have the alternative media to call them to the carpet, and we will continue to expose them as the leftist hacks that they are.

Nope…no liberal media bias!

July 27, 2012 Posted by | media bias, shameful, Tea Party | 1 Comment

Obama on the economy: Our plan “worked”

If, by “worked”, he means that he meant to destroy the American economy, then I’d have to agree with him.

July 27, 2012 Posted by | economic ignorance, Obama, Romney, shameful | 1 Comment

Obama: If your business succeeds, you sure as hell didn’t have anything to do with it.

This cretin’s hostility to private enterprise has never been more clear, other than to his mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging sycophants.  From a campaign speech in Ohio:

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

Apparently, if you succeed in business, it’s because of Al Gore.  Or something:

The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Um…the Internet was invented by the Al Gore, or the Dept. of Defense, whichever you choose to believe.  I’m pretty sure e-commerce wasn’t factored into their decision-making process.

The Internet may have been started by the government, but the boom of Internet business has been 100% the doing of entrepreneurs, NOT the government!  This Marxist jackass would be well served if he’d recognize that.

Please, America…get this despicable vermin out of the White House in November.  Please.

July 16, 2012 Posted by | big government, capitalism, economic ignorance, Obama, shameful, socialism | 7 Comments

Paging Mitt Romney re: ObamaCare

Now that the Court has ruled that the federal government can make you buy anything if they just call it a “tax”, I hope Mitt Romney and the Republicans are smart enough (yeah, I know, that’s laughable) to ride this abortion of a ruling into November.

I’m watching my country die.

June 28, 2012 Posted by | big government, health care, Romney, shameful, socialism, Supreme Court | 9 Comments

Obama snubs anti-communism crusader Walesa but embraces socialist party leader

But hey, where would you get the crazy idea that ObaMao is some sort of leftwing nutjob or anything?  Oh, I dunno.

Lech Walesa was once a trade-union activist. He was often arrested for speaking his mind against Communist oppression behind the Iron Curtain in Poland and for defying the Soviet Union. He was an electrician who, with no higher education, led one of the most profound freedom movements of the 20th century — Solidarity. He became president of Poland and swept in reforms, pushing the Soviet Union out of his homeland and moving the country toward a free-market economy and individual liberty. And President Obama doesn’t want him to set foot in the White House.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Polish officials requested that Walesa accept the Medal of Freedom on behalf of Jan Karski, a member of the Polish Underground during World War II who was being honored posthumously this week. The request makes sense. Walesa and Karski shared a burning desire to rid Poland of tyrannical subjugation. But President Obama said no.

Administration officials told the Journal that Walesa is too “political.” A man who was arrested by Soviet officials for dissenting against the government for being “political” is being shunned by the United States of America for the same reason 30 years later.

Meanwhile, one of the recipients of the Medal was Dolores Huerta, the honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America. So socialist politics are acceptable, but not the politics of a man who stood up and fought socialism.

Absolutely shameful.  It was bad enough that Chairman Zero insulted Poland with his “Polish death camp” slander and then told them to get over it.  But this is just further evidence that the man is a petulant, dyed-in-the-wool socialist ideologue.

Come on, America.  Please get this disgusting pinko #sshat out of the White House.

June 7, 2012 Posted by | hypocrisy, Obama, shameful, socialism | 9 Comments

Quote of the day, “Obama’s ‘real world’ edition”


President Barack Obama, who has spent almost all of his career and adult life in academia, law firms, and government, begins his criticism of Mitt Romney by declaring, “those of us who have spent time in the real world . . .”

It would probably be rude of me to think about Michelle Obama’s work, where her salary jumped from $121,910 to $316,962 per year after her husband became a U.S. senator, a job that was strangely left unfilled after she stepped down to focus on her husband’s campaign.

Such positions are quite challenging to find in the . . . real world.

UPDATE: Of course, Obama uses the phrase while speaking to donors at a $40,000-per-couple fundraiser.

Another “price of arugula at Whole Foods” moment from a man who’s been detached from the “real world” his entire life.

May 25, 2012 Posted by | Obama, quote of the day, shameful | 1 Comment

Obama can only muster no more than 60% of the primary vote in two states

Hmm.  Looks like that WV thing in early May wasn’t an anomaly.  Details:

President Barack Obama continued to have trouble on Tuesday performing in Democratic primaries in traditionally conservative states, barely eking out wins in Kentucky and Arkansas.

The president didn’t even have an opponent in Kentucky, but with 99 percent of the vote counted, Obama took just 57.9 percent of the vote, with the remaining more than 42 percent of ballots cast for “uncommitted.”

In Arkansas, with 70 percent of the vote tallied, Obama nabbed just 59 percent of the vote. His opponent there, John Wolfe, was able to take 41 percent of the vote at that point, according to The Associated Press.

Wolfe, an attorney from Tennessee whose platform includes repealing “Obamacare,” was able to win several counties.

I’m gonna go out way on a limb and predict that the kneejerk defense from the left or the MSM (pardon the redundancy) will be to attack the electorate in these states as racist.

May 23, 2012 Posted by | Obama, shameful | 2 Comments

Government school teacher to her student: not being respectful of Obama is a criminal offense, or something

In related news, the number of kids in this school district who are going to be homeschooled after this academic year skyrockets.  Details:

A YouTube video uploaded on Monday afternoon apparently shows a schoolteacher from the Rowan-Salisbury school district in North Carolina informing a student that failing to be respectful of President Obama is a criminal offense. Breitbart News has uncovered that the student is a high school junior, and that the teacher is apparently one Tanya Dixon-Neely.

The video shows a classroom discussion about the Washington Post hit piece about Mitt Romney bullying a kid some five decades ago. One student says, “Didn’t Obama bully someone though?” The teacher says: “Not to my knowledge.” The student then cites the fact that Obama, in Dreams from My Father, admits to shoving a little girl. “Stop, no, because there is no comparison,” screams the teacher. Romney is “running for president. Obama is the president.”


Scary: people like this lady are molding impressionable young minds.

May 20, 2012 Posted by | Obama, public education, shameful | 17 Comments

Stimulus dollars used to fund study of…wait, WHAT?

Stimulus, erectile dysfunction…the jokes write themselves.  But this isn’t funny:

The NBC Investigative Unit has raised questions about two grants totaling nearly $1.5 million dollars distributed to the University of California San Francisco. The money was part of the federal stimulus program and went to studies into the erectile dysfunction of overweight middle aged men and the accurate reporting of someone’s sexual history.

Of course it’s in San Fransicko.  Where the h3ll else would it be?

Our elected (almost said “erected”) leaders thought it would be a good use of money forcibly removed from the producers of society in order to study sexual history and flaccid schlongs.  Because that’s clearly a federal role, right?

May 15, 2012 Posted by | big government, pork, San Francisco, shameful | 1 Comment

Quote of the day, “Obama thinks soldiers are dying for him” edition

This is so sickening on so many levels.  Dude, they’re fighting on behalf all Americans, regardless of from which of the 57 states they hail.  They are not risking life and limb for you or your campaign specifically, you pompous narcissistic jackwagon!

May 10, 2012 Posted by | military, Obama, quote of the day, shameful | 22 Comments

Time magazine helpfully edits Obama campaign ad to remove unflattering quote that was uttered, add flattering quote that wasn’t uttered

Obama is running a commercial with B.J. Clinton (Billy Jeff…William Jefferson…you perverts!) talking about B.O. ordering the hit on Bin Laden.  Details at Boortz’ site.  Here is the original, unedited transcript of BJ’s comment in the ad:

“That’s one thing George Bush said that was right:  the President is the Decider-in-Chief.  Nobody can make that decision for you.  Look, he knew what would happen.  Suppose the navy SEALs had gone in there and it hadn’t been bin Laden?  Suppose they’d been captured or killed?  The downside would have been horrible for him.  But he reasoned, ‘I cannot in good conscience do nothing.’  He took the harder and more honorable path, and one that produced, in my opinion, the best result.”

So Bubba opines that had the raid gone awry, the fallout would have been disastrous…for Obama!  Yeah, screw the SEALs and the country, the real issue would have been Obama’s re-election chances!  Way to keep your eyes on the prize (and off of the interns), BJ!

Well, Time magazine had an article, by former Newsweak hack Jon Meacham, with a slightly different (but highly significant) quote from Bubba:

“That’s one thing George Bush said that was right:  the President is the Decider-in-Chief.  Nobody can make that decision for you.  Look, he knew what would happen.  Suppose the navy SEALs had gone in there and it hadn’t been bin Laden?  Suppose they’d been captured or killed?  The downside would have been horrible (???? – CL).  But he reasoned, ‘I cannot in good conscience do nothing.’  He took the harder and more honorable path, and one that produced, in my opinion, the more honorable and best result.”

Notice how the quote was totally altered to remove the pesky and problematic “for him” part, and how “honorable” was added a second time, despite the fact that Bubba never used it the second time.  Isn’t the purpose of the quote to, oh I dunno, quote something that someone actually said?

Nope…no liberal media bias!

May 7, 2012 Posted by | Bill Clinton, media bias, Obama, Osama bin Laden, shameful | 1 Comment

Obama’s big government nanny state: We’ll ban kids from doing farm chores

Yeah, let’s get four more years of crap like this, right?

A proposal from the Obama administration to prevent children from doing farm chores has drawn plenty of criticism from rural-district members of Congress. But now it’s attracting barbs from farm kids themselves.

The Department of Labor is poised to put the finishing touches on a rule that would apply child-labor laws to children working on family farms, prohibiting them from performing a list of jobs on their own families’ land.

Under the rules, children under 18 could no longer work “in the storing, marketing and transporting of farm product raw materials.”

“Prohibited places of employment,” a Department press release read, “would include country grain elevators, grain bins, silos, feed lots, stockyards, livestock exchanges and livestock auctions.”

The new regulations, first proposed August 31 by Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, would also revoke the government’s approval of safety training and certification taught by independent groups like 4-H and FFA, replacing them instead with a 90-hour federal government training course. …

There’s more there, and you really should read it.  Good grief, will this statist nincompoop please be booted in November?

April 25, 2012 Posted by | big government, Obama, shameful | 11 Comments

Obama’s Labor Secretary defines the American Dream: “government services”

When she’s not Hispandering to the criminal alien population, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis likes to pass the time showing her liberal colors while bastardizing the concept of the American Dream.  Details:

Obama’s Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis just spoke at the National Action Network convention. Al $harpton gave the introduction and Solis returned the favor by thanking him for “keeping it real.” Whenever someone says they are “keeping it real” it simply means they are keeping it really stupid. Remember that.

Remember what Krauthammer said yesteray: Romney will run on “efficiency,” Obama will run on “fairness.” No where is that more true than in this clip.

Video at the link.  Transcript of the offensive observation:

“We have to understand what the President is fighting for.  It’s about fairness in the workplace.  It’s about fairness in education, and it’s about fairness in terms of what services are provided by government.  And if we can’t have a say-so in that, then this isn’t the dream that all of us have aspired to be a part of.

Ah, yes.  Every child in America, when contemplating their future, dreams of nothing more than…receiving government services.

April 12, 2012 Posted by | big government, shameful, socialism, taxes | 2 Comments

Obama administration: The lavish shindig we threw in 2010 is Bush’s fault

You have got to be effing kidding me!  Nope, guess not.

The Obama administration is responding to the recent report that shows a federal agency spent more that $800,000 on a lavish conference near Las Vegas by putting some of the blame on the Bush administration.

“At least we have taken, bold, swift forceful action to hold those responsible accountable and put in place protections to make sure this never happened again,” a White House official told Fox News.

Just when I thought they couldn’t blame something else on Bush, they prove me wrong.

April 9, 2012 Posted by | big government, corruption, Obama, shameful | 3 Comments

Obama repeating Politifact’s “Lie of the Year of 2011”, nearly verbatim

I dunno.  Maybe he’s trying to become the first back-to-back winner?  Anywho, you’d think his speechwriter would have picked a slightly different variation of the words to display on his tele-binky.  I guess not.

April 5, 2012 Posted by | big government, health care, Obama, shameful | 1 Comment

Michelle Obama to schoolkids: Tell your “wrong” grandparents to vote for my hubby!

Well, good to see Shelly O is focusing on the three R’s: re-electing reviling racists.  Maybe if her old man gets re-elected, she’ll be proud of her country for only the second time in her life.  Details:

Michelle Obama, who has quickly become the Obama campaign’s tip of the spear when it comes to fundraising and vote-getting, is now stumping for children to convince their “great-grandparents” to vote for her husband. At an event at San Francisco’s (where the h3ll else would it be, if not San Fransicko? – CL) Golden Gate Park – for which tickets cost at least $500 – Michelle said:

I mean, I can’t tell you in the last election how many grandparents I ran into who said, I wasn’t going to vote for Barack Obama until my grandson talked to me, until my great-grandson talked to me, and talked about the future he wanted for this country.

You can get out there with your parents. You guys can knock on doors. I had one young lady who brought me a petition — she’s already working. You can convince wrong people. Sometimes we don’t listen to ourselves, but we will listen to our children.

Old farts, listen to your grandkids.  Because they know a whole helluva lot more than you do, despite your years of experience with life.  Of course, with the Dems’ proud history of vote fraud, she was probably just campaigning for the highly coveted underage voting bloc.

Sickening wench.

April 4, 2012 Posted by | Obama, San Francisco, shameful | 7 Comments

MSNBC edits quote to make Zimmerman look racist

By now, all of you know about the shooting of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, FL, by Hispanic George Zimmerman.  Well, the “Lean Forward” network, MSNBC, offered up a news story with a Dowdified quote.  Via Big Journalism:

“This guy looks like he’s up to no good … he looks black,” Zimmerman told a police dispatcher from his car. His father has said that Zimmerman is Hispanic, grew up in a multiracial family, and is not racist.

(Sidebar: quick explanation of “dowdified” here).

So, it’s clear that Zimmerman equates “suspicious” with “black”, right?  Um…not exactly:

ZIMMERMAN: This guy looks like he’s up to no good, [begin ellipsis] or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.

911 DISPATCHER: Okay, is this guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic? [end ellipsis]

ZIMMERMAN: He looks black.

For the record, I think I’ll let the law enforcement folks do their job before I jump to conclusions the way that the majority of black America seems to have done.  But this is an example of rotten, corrupt, agenda-driven journalism and I think MSDNC ought to apologize to both of its viewers.

Nope…no liberal media bias!

March 30, 2012 Posted by | bigotry, media bias, MSNBC, shameful | 13 Comments

Obama to troops: We’re cutting your health care benefits, but leaving unionized defense workers’ health care benefits alone

But hey, the left “supports the troops”, right?  Shameful details:

The Obama administration’s proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers’ benefits untouched. The proposal is causing a major rift within the Pentagon, according to U.S. officials. Several congressional aides suggested the move is designed to increase the enrollment in Obamacare’s state-run insurance exchanges.

The disparity in treatment between civilian and uniformed personnel is causing a backlash within the military that could undermine recruitment and retention.

Then why do it?  Well…

Administration officials told Congress that one goal of the increased fees is to force military retirees to reduce their involvement in Tricare and eventually opt out of the program in favor of alternatives established by the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

“When they talked to us, they did mention the option of healthcare exchanges under Obamacare. So it’s in their mind,” said a congressional aide involved in the issue.

You mean the same ObamaCare that FOB’s (Friends of Obama) are getting waivers for?  Not good enough for unions and pet donors, but force it upon our soldiers and retired soldiers?

Come on, America…PLEASE get this b#stard out of our House!

February 27, 2012 Posted by | health care, military, Obama, shameful, socialism | 8 Comments

Obama STILL seeing dead people

Remember this?

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

Telebinky must’ve been broken, because he’s at it again:

…Our men and women in uniform have made us safer and more secure, and we were eternally grateful to them, but war and suffering and hardship still remain in too many corners of the globe.  And a lot of those men and women who we celebrate on Veterans Day and Memorial Day come back and find that, when it comes to finding a job or getting the kind of care that they need, we’re not always there the way we need to be.

The men and women we celebrate on Memorial Day don’t come back to get jobs.  They died, and that’s why we memorialize them on that day.  But I guess when you have a callous disregard for American tradition and its armed forces, such mistakes are to be expected.

February 21, 2012 Posted by | Obama, shameful | 4 Comments

Obama’s contraception kerfuffle

Chariman Zero tells those of faith to screw themselves…or, better yet, screw other people and have your contraception covered by society!  He’s tried walking it back, but not really.  Neal Boortz has a great post about the fraud here, and you should read it (it’s not long).  Excerpt:

…All we have to do is present a simple before and after comparison.

Before:  Obama’s mandate was that religious institutions had to provide for “free” contraception for all females working for those institutions through the health insurance policies provided to those workers. 

After:  Now the health insurance companies are simply going to have to provide “free” coverage for contraceptives in all health insurance policies.

Can someone please tell me the difference here?  If Caesar Obammus steps forward and mandates that all insurance policies must pay for contraceptives, aren’t those insurance companies simply going to factor the cost of that coverage into the premiums paid by the employers?  Doesn’t this mean that these Catholic institutions are still going to be paying for contraceptives?

The church is pushing back.  This was a gross miscalculation by Oprompter.

February 14, 2012 Posted by | abortion, big government, Catholics, health care, Obama, shameful | 6 Comments

Cartoon of the day, “Justice Ginsburg and the Constitution” edition

Follow up to my previous post.

February 9, 2012 Posted by | Constitution, Egypt, shameful, Supreme Court | 2 Comments

NJ teachers union executive on why poor kids shouldn’t get vouchers: “Life’s not always fair”

Get over it, you poor b#stards!  From Joisey:

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Wednesday for a state teachers union chief to resign, after the union boss said in an interview that “life’s not always fair” while arguing against vouchers to send poor students to private schools. 

Christie, who has clashed repeatedly with the union over his education proposals, called the remark “outrageous” at a town hall meeting. 

The call from the governor was the latest fallout for New Jersey Education Association Executive Director Vincent Giordano, whose own salary tops $300,000.

Giordano made the comment on the local “New Jersey Capitol Report” program over the weekend. During the interview, he was challenged by the host on why low-income families should not have the same options as other families when their child is in a failing school. 

“Those parents should have exactly the same options and they do. We don’t say that you can’t take your kid out of the public school. We would argue not and we would say ‘let’s work more closely and more harmoniously,'” Giordano said. 

When told some families cannot afford to finance the shift to private school without government help, Giordano said: “Well, you know, life’s not always fair and I’m sorry about that.”

Now that he’s got his $300k+ in salary, screw the kids, right?

This isn’t about whether you think vouchers are a good idea or not.  This is about a highly paid leftist union tool telling poor families that he’d rather they suffer the indignities of a substandard education than have alternatives to the government schools to which they are zoned.  And of course, the predictable “throw more money at it” reply got regurgitated.

February 9, 2012 Posted by | Chris Christie, New Jersey, public education, shameful, unions | 3 Comments

Justice Ginsburg to Egypt: Our constitution sucks, so don’t models yours after ours

A typical liberal reaction to our Constitution…but shameful nonetheless.  Details:

Following are excerpts from an interview with US Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which aired on Al-Hayat TV on January 30, 2012.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: It is a very inspiring time – that you have overthrown a dictator, and that you are striving to achieve a genuine democracy. So I think people in the United States are hoping that this transition will work, and that there will genuinely be a government of, by, and for the people.

I can’t speak about what the Egyptian experience should be, because I’m operating under a rather old constitution. The United States, in comparison to Egypt, is a very new nation, and yet we have the oldest written constitution still in force in the world(Just so you know, you statist hag, that is NOT a bad thing…it’s a GREAT thing! – CL)

You should certainly be aided by all the constitution-writing that has gone one since the end of World War II. I would not look to the US constitution, if I were drafting a constitution in the year 2012. I might look at the constitution of South Africa. That was a deliberate attempt to have a fundamental instrument of government that embraced basic human rights, had an independent judiciary… It really is, I think, a great piece of work that was done. Much more recent than the US constitution – Canada has a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It dates from 1982. You would almost certainly look at the European Convention on Human Rights. Yes, why not take advantage of what there is elsewhere in the world?

In other words, the very Constitution she has sworn to uphold is, in her own words, outdated.  No d@mned wonder this wench looks to foreign law to mold her leftist decisions: she doesn’t think very highly of our own laws, statutory or constitutional.  As the Spectator notes, while she was praising the freedoms found in our First Amendment, she was oblivious to the fact that those rights are far less protected in South Africa, Canada, and Europe than they are here.  Maybe she’s racist for not wanting those rights extended to Egyptians?

If Uhhhhhhbama gets re-elected, he will look to find another one of these anti-American jackwagons to sit on the SCOTUS in the event of another vacancy.  It is shameful that such a moron serves on the bench of the Supreme Court.

February 4, 2012 Posted by | Constitution, Egypt, judiciary, shameful, Supreme Court | 17 Comments

Obama promotes tourism by disrupting it


Hey, Mr. President! You’ve just destroyed the Keystone XL pipeline project and thousands of new union jobs. What are you gonna do now?

“I’m going to Disney World.”

No, it’s not another Obama vacation. He’s flying Air Force One down to Orlando this morning on business.

His people say the Democrat has some new ideas on how to increase tourism to Florida and probably the entire 57 states (Heh! – CL) . Naturally, this requires another Obama speech.

And what better place for a campaigning president to go lecture needlessly on improving tourism than the iconic institution that figured it all out decades ago, Walt Disney Resorts? 

But here’s the problem with Obama going to Disney’s Main Street: They have to halt all tourism there for him to be seen encouraging more tourism, close the whole place down to tourists for much of the day while he’s there and before. Even Disney employees are being barred.

Seems appropriate that he’s giving us his recipe for economic success in Fantasyland, no?  😆

January 20, 2012 Posted by | economic ignorance, irony, Obama, shameful | 3 Comments