Crush Liberalism

Liberalism: Why think when you can “feel”?

Obama cultists…er, supporters…stunned that their taxes went up

Hey, I know: after four years of economic stagnation, let’s vote the guy back in.  Cuz Bush sucks.  And Romney’s rich. Or something.

This just in: Romney’s STILL rich.  And you’ll never be.  Anywho:

Sometimes, watching a Democrat learn something is wonderful, like seeing the family dog finally sit and stay at your command.

With President Obama back in office and his life-saving “fiscal cliff” bill jammed through Congress, the new year has brought a surprising turn of events for his sycophantic supporters.

“What happened that my Social Security withholding’s in my paycheck just went up?” a poster wrote on the liberal site “My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease is gonna’ hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over 400 grand. What happened?”

Shocker. Democrats who supported the president’s re-election just had NO idea that his steadfast pledge to raise taxes meant that he was really going to raise taxes. They thought he planned to just hit those filthy “1 percenters,” you know, the ones who earned fortunes through their inventiveness and hard work. They thought the free ride would continue forever.

So this week, as taxes went up for millions of Americans — which Republicans predicted throughout the campaign would happen — it was fun to watch the agoggery of the left.

The beauty of it:

But in fact, it was Mr. Obama who enacted the “holiday,” and, to be clear, the tax cut that he pushed throughout the campaign — remember? 98 percent of Americans will get a cut under his plan? — was really the extension of the Bush tax suts. Thus, it was Mr. Obama who raised taxes on millions of Americans, not Mr. Bush.

How many Americans? The nonpartisan Tax Policy Center in Washington put the total at 77.1 percent of all wage earners. In fact, “More than 80 percent of households with incomes between $50,000 and $200,000 would pay higher taxes. Among the households facing higher taxes, the average increase would be $1,635, the policy center said,” according to a Bloomberg News article. Hilariously, the tax burden will rise more for someone making $30,000 a year (1.7 percent) than it does for someone earning $500,000 annually (1.3 percent).

But, but, but…hey, gotta run, American Idol is on.

January 7, 2013 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, Obama, taxes | 16 Comments

2013: A new beginning…to the end of a republic

As you regulars have noticed, I have not been updating the blog. At all.  It’s quite simple, really: I don’t care.

I may catch grief for saying this, but I don’t care: I have little to no interest in politics now.  Or the country.  The government school dumbassification of my country is complete.  A majority of my countrymen are now economic imbeciles and/or parasites.  The number of takers has now surpassed the number of makers.  Or, more precisely, the number of takers who make a living out of voting have surpassed the number of freedom-loving productive Americans.  Once you reach that tipping point, you can’t really go back.

This sums up where we are:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only
exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from
the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the
candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the
result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always
followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest
civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this
sequence: “From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great
courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance
to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From
dependence back into bondage.”

~Alexander Fraser Tytler (later Lord Alexander Fraser Woodhouslee),  in “The
Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic,” published 1776.

This world is not my home.  It is but a stopping point on the way to Heaven.  But geez, as long as I’m here, I didn’t think it was unreasonable for me to expect it NOT to suck.

After the midterms of 2006, when Pelosi won the Speaker’s gavel, I figured it would be OK.  After B.O. fooled the nation in 2008, I was dispirited, but still figured it’d be OK.  The rise of the Tea Party in 2010 gave me reason for optimism.  Then the public voted in 2012 to re-elect the same bastards who voted for ObamaCare, Porkulus, bailouts, etc., despite saying they were against all of those things.  Why?  Because Romney is rich…and white, too, I guess.

America, it was nice knowing you.

January 4, 2013 Posted by | big government | 8 Comments

Strategy: Give Obama and the Democrats (and America) what they want

OK, America.  You voted for the smooth-talking brutha over the evil rich white guy.  Presumably, that means you want you sum Obamanomics.  Fine.  Choke on it, b#tches.  RB at the Rightsphere echos my sentiments:

So what do they [the GOP] do? They’re stuck in a no-win situation. The answer is simple: Give Obama what he wants. All of it. Don’t negotiate. Just say “Put your plan up for a vote and we’ll pass it. You will own everything that happens moving forward. We’ll do it your way.”

People are saying that even if the GOP did what I just said they should do, they would get blamed for the disaster that will ensue. I disagree. Democrats and the media will TRY to blame them, but they will discredit themselves in the process. Obama will have gotten everything he wanted. We know it will fix nothing and probably make things worse, but the GOP will have no part of crafting the bill. Make Democrats do it all. The GOP should just show up and vote for it. Any attempts to claim the GOP influenced the bill, and thereby sharing in the blame, will be debunked by the facts. There will be no way to say “well, this could have worked if only…” because the GOP will not have changed anything. There will be no magical alternative out there that “could have been if only the GOP hadn’t stopped it” line anymore.

Now, this part is the tricky one. From the moment they pass the legislation Obama wants, they must be disciplined in pointing out that every failure of this new law to fix the fiscal and economic problems it was meant to fix was a Democrat / Obama idea. The GOP must be diligent in highlighting how they had zero impact on the final version of the bill. Everything Obama and the Democrats wanted went in without opposition from the GOP. Obama and the Democrats own every single line on every single page.

Over and over and over again, the case will need to be made that the GOP washed their hands of the matter and let Obama and the Democrats have their way to avoid the fiscal cliff. Did you lose your job because of the higher tax rates? The GOP had nothing to do with it. Oh! Are prices higher for everything? The GOP had nothing to do with it. What’s that? Federal revenues didn’t go up? Ask Obama about that, he’s the one who said they’d go up. Etc. Etc. Etc. …

Don’t fight ObaMao.  Our American Idol obsessed electorate voted for this economic illiterate and fiscal fool in this past popularity contest…er, “election.”  Let’s see just how successful his efforts will be…hint: they won’t be.  But I think the GOP should get all Pontius Pilate on America and wash its collective hands, saying “This is what you voted for.  We will have no part in this.  The resulting pain is NOT our fault…it’s yours, quite frankly.”

There has never been a country that has taxed itself into prosperity.  Socialism has failed everywhere it has ever been tried.  But hey: We have a cool cat who goes on The View and Letterman as our prez, so maybe this time, it’ll be different!

November 28, 2012 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, Obama, socialism, taxes | 10 Comments

Parody alert, “GM: The Deadbeat of America” ad

LOL…instead of “Like A Rock”, it’s “Now We’re Soft”!  😆

October 25, 2012 Posted by | big government, Detroit, humor | 2 Comments

“What America has become”


What America has become

September 27, 2012 Posted by | big government, Obama | 5 Comments

Obama hearts “redistribution”

Notice in the video clip the Alinsky-like laugh of ridicule when confronted with the assertion that he’s a socialist.  But hey, who are you gonna believe: The One, or your lying eyes & ears?

Socialism fails.  Every time.  Without exception.

September 20, 2012 Posted by | big government, Obama, Romney, socialism | 3 Comments

Humor alert, “M.C. Obama’s ‘U Didn’t Build That'” edition

Stop…Obama time! 😆

September 18, 2012 Posted by | big government, humor, Obama | 1 Comment

Humor alert, “you didn’t build that” edition

Heh. “It’s important to destroy their sense of individualism while they’re still young.”

September 18, 2012 Posted by | big government, humor | 3 Comments

Red states more charitable in giving than blue states

Go figure.

The eight states whose residents gave the highest share of their income — Utah, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina, Idaho, Arkansas and Georgia — all backed McCain in 2008. Utah leads charitable giving, with 10.6 percent of income given.

And the least generous states — Wisconsin, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire — were Obama supporters in the last presidential race. New Hampshire residents gave the least share of their income, the Chronicle stated, with 2.5 percent.

Liberals equate paying taxes with charity.  Uh, wrong.  Taxes are not voluntary.  Charitable giving is.  Liberals are far more generous with other people’s money, not so much when it comes to their own.

August 20, 2012 Posted by | big government, hypocrisy | 9 Comments

Rebuttal to Obama’s laughable “we tried our plan, and it worked”

Really, champ?

July 30, 2012 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, Obama, taxes | 1 Comment

Romney responds to Obama’s attack on entrepreneurs

Well done, sir.

July 18, 2012 Posted by | big government, capitalism, economic ignorance, Obama, Romney, socialism | 1 Comment

Obama: If your business succeeds, you sure as hell didn’t have anything to do with it.

This cretin’s hostility to private enterprise has never been more clear, other than to his mouth-breathing knuckle-dragging sycophants.  From a campaign speech in Ohio:

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

Apparently, if you succeed in business, it’s because of Al Gore.  Or something:

The Internet didn’t get invented on its own.  Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Um…the Internet was invented by the Al Gore, or the Dept. of Defense, whichever you choose to believe.  I’m pretty sure e-commerce wasn’t factored into their decision-making process.

The Internet may have been started by the government, but the boom of Internet business has been 100% the doing of entrepreneurs, NOT the government!  This Marxist jackass would be well served if he’d recognize that.

Please, America…get this despicable vermin out of the White House in November.  Please.

July 16, 2012 Posted by | big government, capitalism, economic ignorance, Obama, shameful, socialism | 7 Comments

Obama 2008: adding $4 trillion in debt in two terms unpatriotic. Obama 2012: adding $5+ trillion in one term…look, shiny object!

I question his patriotism.  Hey, I’m only using HIS own definition!

July 3, 2012 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, hypocrisy, Obama | 3 Comments

Obama chief of staff: ObamaCare not a tax, even though our own attorney argued that it was and SCOTUS ruled that it was.

Chris Wallace leads along the poor schmuck nicely, forcing the guy to basically say “Our own solicitor general argued that ObamaCare’s individual mandate is a tax, and SCOTUS agreed…but hey, lawyers say all kinds of crazy things that aren’t true, so don’t read anything into it!”  Um…yeah.

July 3, 2012 Posted by | big government, Fox News, health care, hypocrisy, Obama, Supreme Court, taxes | 3 Comments

Did Roberts’ ruling on ObamaCare actually HELP conservatism and help Romney?

Interesting analyses, from many different sources.  Excerpts here, and you really should check them out.

Essentially, conservative pundits are wondering that while the ObamaCare ruling was a short-term win for Chairman Zero, maybe Roberts’ rejection of the Commerce Clause being used to regulate economic inactivity (which lower courts ruled was valid) will prevent future Congresses from trying to use that clause to expand the power of the federal government and thus advance the cause of limited government.  Perhaps that cause, plus the outrage from the ruling which will galvanize the conservative base to rally around Romney (which they may not have otherwise done), will put Romney and Republicans in charge…or so the thinking goes.  And if Romney and Republicans take control, they will definitely repeal ObamaCare…which means that ObamaCare got repealed PLUS the Court will have prevented similar abuse of the Commerce Clause in future sessions.

Anywho, that’s the school of thought…or spin, depending on how you look at it.  What do YOU think?

June 29, 2012 Posted by | big government, conservatism, health care, Obama, Romney, Supreme Court, taxes | 10 Comments

Paging Mitt Romney re: ObamaCare

Now that the Court has ruled that the federal government can make you buy anything if they just call it a “tax”, I hope Mitt Romney and the Republicans are smart enough (yeah, I know, that’s laughable) to ride this abortion of a ruling into November.

I’m watching my country die.

June 28, 2012 Posted by | big government, health care, Romney, shameful, socialism, Supreme Court | 9 Comments

New Romney ad smacks Obama for his stupid “the private sector is doing fine” assertion

Team Romney is hitting this economic ‘tard pretty good these days, huh?  Does President Jack@ss really think that the reason the economy hasn’t recovered is due to not enough government spending?  Seriously?

June 11, 2012 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, Obama, Romney | 4 Comments

New Romney ad takes Obama to task for crony capitalism, economic ignorance

Well played, Gov. Romney.

June 4, 2012 Posted by | big government, corruption, economic ignorance, Obama, Romney, Solyndra | 2 Comments

Spain stops wasteful subsidies of green energy. In related news, green energy industry collapses in Spain.

Well, isn’t that strange?  It’s almost as if an idea that couldn’t be sustained by the free market was doomed to failure…almost, that is.  Details:

Saddled with a budget deficit more than twice the European Union limit and a ballooning gap between income and costs in its power system, Spain halted subsidies for new renewable-energy projects in January. The surprise move by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy one month after taking office helped pierce investor confidence in stable aid for clean energy acrossEurope.

“They destroyed the Spanish market overnight with the moratorium,” European Wind Energy Association Chief Executive Officer Christian Kjaer said in an interview. “The wider implication of this is that if Spanish politicians can do that, probably most European politicians can do that.”

Spain’s $69 billion of investment in power capacity from 2004 to 2011 was about triple the spending per capita in the U.S. in that period, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance data and U.S. Census Bureau population estimates. Most of the 2012-2013 spending will be for the legacy of projects approved before the aid cuts to wind, solar, biomass and co-generation. …

Investment in solar photovoltaic alone is headed to skid to as little as $107 million in 2013 from $879 million this year and $1.5 billion last year, New Energy Finance estimated. For new wind projects, investment should plunge to $963 million in 2013 and $244 million in 2014 from $2 billion this year.

Listen, I’d love nothing more than to flush oil for good.  But until the free market can determine how to make alternative energy widely available and inexpensive, I want my gas, and I want it cheap.

May 30, 2012 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, environuts, Euros | 2 Comments

Headline of the day, “AP’s media bias” edition

Yes, this is the actual AP headline:

Is GOP trying to sabotage economy to hurt Obama?

Read the intro:

By CHARLES BABINGTON | Associated Press – Sat, May 19, 2012

WASHINGTON (AP) — Are Republican lawmakers deliberately stalling the economic recovery to hurt President Barack Obama’s re-election chances? Some top Democrats say yes, pointing to GOP stances on the debt limit and other issues that they claim are causing unnecessary economic anxiety and retarding growth.

ObaMao’s big government borrow-and-spend policies have been crap, with no positive results and a plethora of negative results.  So Americans elect the GOP to control the House, as their way of expressing displeasure with (among other things) B.O.’s and the Dems’ way of dealing with the economy.  So when the Republican House – again, elected by the people to stop Obamanomics – decides to stop the runaway borrow-and-spend Greece-like policies…they’re trying to sabotage the economy?

Um, yeah.  They’re trying to sabotage something that hasn’t friggin’ worked in nearly four years, and the AP treats it as though it’s a given that Obamanomics works and those mean ol’ Republicans are trying to “sabotage the economy” just to hurt Obama.  Because Obama’s economic policies couldn’t possibly harm Obama…nope, it’s those economy-sabotaging Republicans!

Nope…no liberal media bias!

May 21, 2012 Posted by | big government, economic ignorance, headlines, media bias, Obama, taxes | 3 Comments

Stimulus dollars used to fund study of…wait, WHAT?

Stimulus, erectile dysfunction…the jokes write themselves.  But this isn’t funny:

The NBC Investigative Unit has raised questions about two grants totaling nearly $1.5 million dollars distributed to the University of California San Francisco. The money was part of the federal stimulus program and went to studies into the erectile dysfunction of overweight middle aged men and the accurate reporting of someone’s sexual history.

Of course it’s in San Fransicko.  Where the h3ll else would it be?

Our elected (almost said “erected”) leaders thought it would be a good use of money forcibly removed from the producers of society in order to study sexual history and flaccid schlongs.  Because that’s clearly a federal role, right?

May 15, 2012 Posted by | big government, pork, San Francisco, shameful | 1 Comment

California named the worst state to do business, for 8th year in a row

Why, it’s almost as if businesses are averse to burdensome regulations and oppressive taxes or something!  Almost, that is.  Excerpt:

So much for the idea of West is best. In an annual survey, executives ranked California as the worst place to do business for the eighth year in a row.

Chief Executive magazine has only been conducting its survey for eight years. Texas has been top-ranked every year.

The survey considered responses from 650 business leaders, who graded states on factors such as taxes, regulations, living environment and more.

Texas and second-ranked Florida have the highest migration rates in the nation for 2001 through 2009. California has lost 1.5 million people over the same period.

Its 10.9% unemployment rate is only lower than Nevada’s and Rhode Island’s. A third of U.S. welfare recipients live in California, the report noted. High state taxes and bundles of red tape make operating a business in the state unaffordable to many companies, critics say.

Last year, 254 California companies moved some or all of their work and jobs elsewhere — 26% more than 2010. Most chief executives in Silicon Valley said they won’t expand in the state, according to the survey.

Interesting observations here.  Note the performance of the red/reddish states…

Also in the top 10: North Carolina, Tennessee, Indiana, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Utah.

… and blue states.

California narrowly edged out New York in what the survey called “the ninth circle of business hell,” sharing the bottom five spots with Illinois, Massachusetts and Michigan.

I’m sure the crushing regulations and taxes of the blue states have nothing to do with their rankings whatsoever.  Right?

May 4, 2012 Posted by | big government, California, capitalism, economic ignorance | 3 Comments

Obama’s big government nanny state: We’ll ban kids from doing farm chores

Yeah, let’s get four more years of crap like this, right?

A proposal from the Obama administration to prevent children from doing farm chores has drawn plenty of criticism from rural-district members of Congress. But now it’s attracting barbs from farm kids themselves.

The Department of Labor is poised to put the finishing touches on a rule that would apply child-labor laws to children working on family farms, prohibiting them from performing a list of jobs on their own families’ land.

Under the rules, children under 18 could no longer work “in the storing, marketing and transporting of farm product raw materials.”

“Prohibited places of employment,” a Department press release read, “would include country grain elevators, grain bins, silos, feed lots, stockyards, livestock exchanges and livestock auctions.”

The new regulations, first proposed August 31 by Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, would also revoke the government’s approval of safety training and certification taught by independent groups like 4-H and FFA, replacing them instead with a 90-hour federal government training course. …

There’s more there, and you really should read it.  Good grief, will this statist nincompoop please be booted in November?

April 25, 2012 Posted by | big government, Obama, shameful | 11 Comments

“If I wanted America to fail…”

…then I’d vote for Chairman Zero and other members of the Jackass Party.

April 23, 2012 Posted by | big government, capitalism, economic ignorance, Obama | 2 Comments

Obama’s Labor Secretary defines the American Dream: “government services”

When she’s not Hispandering to the criminal alien population, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis likes to pass the time showing her liberal colors while bastardizing the concept of the American Dream.  Details:

Obama’s Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis just spoke at the National Action Network convention. Al $harpton gave the introduction and Solis returned the favor by thanking him for “keeping it real.” Whenever someone says they are “keeping it real” it simply means they are keeping it really stupid. Remember that.

Remember what Krauthammer said yesteray: Romney will run on “efficiency,” Obama will run on “fairness.” No where is that more true than in this clip.

Video at the link.  Transcript of the offensive observation:

“We have to understand what the President is fighting for.  It’s about fairness in the workplace.  It’s about fairness in education, and it’s about fairness in terms of what services are provided by government.  And if we can’t have a say-so in that, then this isn’t the dream that all of us have aspired to be a part of.

Ah, yes.  Every child in America, when contemplating their future, dreams of nothing more than…receiving government services.

April 12, 2012 Posted by | big government, shameful, socialism, taxes | 2 Comments

Obama administration: The lavish shindig we threw in 2010 is Bush’s fault

You have got to be effing kidding me!  Nope, guess not.

The Obama administration is responding to the recent report that shows a federal agency spent more that $800,000 on a lavish conference near Las Vegas by putting some of the blame on the Bush administration.

“At least we have taken, bold, swift forceful action to hold those responsible accountable and put in place protections to make sure this never happened again,” a White House official told Fox News.

Just when I thought they couldn’t blame something else on Bush, they prove me wrong.

April 9, 2012 Posted by | big government, corruption, Obama, shameful | 3 Comments

Quote of the day, “Vice Plagiarist weighs in on US energy policy” edition

Wanna see a guy with hair plugs appear utterly delusional?  Watch this short 1:06 clip, then.  Money quote: “Our Energy Policy’s the Best It’s Ever Been“.  If the GOP has a lick of sense (and I have no reason to believe that they do), they will play this snippet over and over until November.

April 5, 2012 Posted by | Biden, big government, energy, oil, quote of the day | 6 Comments

Obama repeating Politifact’s “Lie of the Year of 2011”, nearly verbatim

I dunno.  Maybe he’s trying to become the first back-to-back winner?  Anywho, you’d think his speechwriter would have picked a slightly different variation of the words to display on his tele-binky.  I guess not.

April 5, 2012 Posted by | big government, health care, Obama, shameful | 1 Comment

Obama: “Government investments” are what “made this country great”

This will undoubtedly come as a shock to the Founding Fathers, who happened to believe that limited government and individual liberty made this country great.  Details:

Obama said that Republicans have “one message and that is, we’re going to make sure that we cut people’s taxes even more — so that by every objective measure our deficit is worse and we will slash government investments that have made this country great,” he argued, “not because it’s going to balance the budget, but because it’s driven by our ideological vision about how government should be. That’s their agenda, pure and simple.”

Agreed, sir.  There are two distinctly competing visions here: the American vision…and your vision.  And judging by the direction of the country on the road to insolvency, I’d say that a bunch of politician that “invested” (code for “plundered the fruits of labor of the producers to give to the non-producers”) our money have made this once-great country far less great than it’s ever been.

Please, America…get rid of this economic illiterate and unaccomplished leftist hack before he mucks up the country any more than he already has.

April 1, 2012 Posted by | big government, conservatism, Obama, socialism | 5 Comments

ObamaCare attorneys shredded before the Supreme Court, liberals stunned to think that ObamaCare might ACTUALLY be unconstitutional

Tingles was aghast.

Everyone on both sides of the aisle agree that the ObamaCare lawyers were taken to the woodshed this week while presenting their arguments in favor of ObamaCare, specifically the individual mandate.  However, John Podhoretz sums up the shock nicely while illustrating the basis of said shock:

The panicked reception in the mainstream media of the three-day Supreme Court health-care marathon is a delightful reminder of the nearly impenetrable parochialism of American liberals.

They’re so convinced of their own correctness — and so determined to believe conservatives are either a) corrupt, b) stupid or c) deluded — that they find themselves repeatedly astonished to discover conservatives are in fact capable of a) advancing and defending their own powerful arguments, b) effectively countering weak liberal arguments and c) exposing the soft underbelly of liberal self-satisfaction as they do so.

That’s what happened this week. There appears to be no question in the mind of anyone who read the transcripts or listened to the oral arguments that the conservative lawyers and justices made mincemeat out of the Obama administration’s advocates and the liberal members of the court.

This came as a startling shock to the liberals who write about the court. 

There’s no telling which of 10 possible ways the high court will finally rule. But one thing is for certain: There will again come a time when liberals and conservatives disagree on a fundamental intellectual matter. Conservatives will take liberals and their arguments seriously and try to find the best way to argue the other side.

And the liberals will put their fingers in their ears and sing, “La la la.”

Ace sums Podhoretz’ argument with a hilarious zinger:

They were surprised by these arguments. Podhoretz says They should not have been surprised.

No one was hiding these arguments. They have been readily-available in court records for two years.

Nor was anyone hiding the two courts’ decisions agreeing with these arguments.

Liberals just chose to ignore relevant information about the world they live in, and then call themselves sophisticated for having chosen to be stupider than God made them.

Exactly.  Podhoretz goes on to give a list of examples of liberals who were previously convinced beyond words that the law would stand up in court, but now aren’t so sure. 

But it’s like I’ve always, always said about liberals: They don’t think…they feel.  And feelings rule the day with them.  We can’t govern this nation on feelings, people.

Exit question: Does anyone believe the SCOTUS will do anything other than rule against ObamaCare 5-4?  You know the four liberals will support it, the four conservatives will support the Constitution, and then it all depends on if Kennedy wakes up on the left side of the bed or the constitutional side of the bed that morning.

March 30, 2012 Posted by | big government, Constitution, health care, Obama, socialism | 11 Comments